Well, peace out Goudont era. You did me well.
de kerdits:
Dragonkk (for client and stuff)
Kennelz (appreciate his knowledge)
K-shan (of course, this man always helps me. Insane coder tbh)
Aviboss (other owner)
Disvirus (Special mention)
Cody Spielvogel(Special mention)
MezzyScape (Base)
and DEFINITELY Greco loco. Greco’s my motivation for making rsps.
[size=14pt] For people having eclipse character file unavailable issues (follow this instruction to use the server with eclipse)
[quote=“superpersonxd”]problem: error loading your profile
solution: update the xstream jar http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/thoughtworks/xstream/xstream-distribution/1.4.8/xstream-distribution-1.4.8-bin.zip[/quote]
For getting rid of the log4j message (it’s not an error nor is it interfering with how the server runs):
[spoiler][quote=“superpersonxd”]Optional fix for log4j. Make a new directory in the server folder called properties and in that directory make a new file called log4j.properties. Fill the file with the following
# Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to A1.
log4j.rootLogger=FATAL, A1
# A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender.
# A1 uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
Append the new directory to the classpath when you launch
java -classpath bin;deps/*;properties; com.rs2hd.Main
P.S: Also you CAN use this release with eclipse[/quote]
[size=14pt]Please read the “Read me for basic stuff.txt” file for basic set up before you post here for help. Otherwise, please comment criticism or comments and/or vote at the poll for what you think![/size]
This is it, the final release. I was going to stop at V4, but people asked me to continue (damn, I feel special alright.) But, I got lazy, this is what I came up with. But, this is not a big one, it’s just V4 with bug fixes and some sexy new features.
[spoiler=Spoiler for V4]https://www.moparisthebest.com/smf/index.php?topic=637421.0[/spoiler]
- insta-kill throwing axe added (but not in shop) [Thanks to Disvirus for the motivation and idea to add it] --> You have to make a way for players to access it. Original idea was to put it in member shop but I never got around to it. The item exists, but it’s not in shops, and the price is 1 gp. You can change that
- New hell run section (Hard training ground)
- advanced weapon shop
- Magic teleports (Varrock, lumbridge, falador teleport buttons) now give experience
- Dialogues for quest no longer interfere with other dialogues
- Removed some teleport commands for realistic play
- made npcs teleport you instead
- New tutorial island (trapped on an island, more fun atmosphere)
- added a dialogue for quest cape
- Waldo npc, add in for hide and seek event. (Lmfao, I was high.) [The dialogue is already added, you just have to add the ints and rewards
- Fixed the npcs not dropping items
- Added Strider npc which is a teleport npc for combat
- Added Slifer npc (same concept as strider) for skilling teleports
- 1 click interaction works
- Added onyx drop from tzhaar npcs
- Beacon minigame is more automatic for players
- Beacon rewards now give boosted firemaking exp
- Bonfires are now automatic (click fire address cube and it performs bonfires)
- Construction bench added
- Made leveling up give server points based on the levels you are at (EG; under level 40, gives 5 server points, above 40 gives 25 server points, above 100 gives 200 server points)
- Changed 126/99 bug in skills tab to 126/126
- Play time is steady now
- Skrillaphat npc gives cape now
- Shop buying glitches fixed
- Home changed to Grand Exchange (upon request)
- Torva Effects added (Operate Torva Armour when wearing all pieces) [Healing occurs automatically after activated] --> I wasn’t sure how torva effect worked, sorry lmfao
- Godmode now gives 188 (10+ bonus to max combat, appears as 700 in player list) Combat level and crazy hitpoints
- Dropping items now works
- Some new shops
[Server files]
- ;;admincommands fixed (AdminCommands.java fixed)
- ButtonHandler.java (alternate actionbuttonpackethandler)
- Dialogue npc face animations are now easier access (instead of ID of the emotion, you put the emotion) EG; sad, worried, happy, calm