Graphical Entry

Hey guys I’m actually qualified to do graphical work and I’d like your opinion on my ‘over edited’ piece of work. This is mainly a first attempt outside doing my own free style work and not a set base topic. I’ve spent around a hour on this but I’d like the feed back. Good or Bad I appreciate it all :slight_smile:

It’s hot.

Serious: What exactly have you added? Like, the graphics in this image, did you draw, paste, etc. Gimme details.

[quote=“tyb97, post:2, topic:464263”]It’s hot.

Serious: What exactly have you added? Like, the graphics in this image, did you draw, paste, etc. Gimme details.[/quote]

There is a hand drawn image in the background, used some cool text from dafont called ‘KG Ways to Say …’
I started from a blue background and used Photoshop filters with blue and purple (solid colours) to get the whole look. There are a total of 3,4 images from Google being the 2 anime characters and a stary background.

Other then that, Just worked my magic playing with filters and the colour blend and making it all into 1 big piece. It’s more like 90% of my own work. I did edit the images I used before I used them in the actual piece.

Thanks for the comment :slight_smile:

I see, very good.