sumtime i mak sarver end player tel me uggosalad peepole cant speel or taype proberpy plez teech me wha i repliy becuz sumtim it mak me want cry
wdf i ugosaladian 2 n i get sam problm i dnt get frkin y i use furms alut and ppl nevar sai i spokening wrng bt wen i code into gam den ppl go laik u motehrfuckingbitchassnerdfuckergotohelliwonteverdonatetoyourservergetfuckedbyagiantmonkeyorjustdie and laik thas a 2lon worde 4 meh laik wdf i felte laik it wus meanysh against moffers end laik i laik my mumz0r alut
n my son raccear laik dat quidw ill b nesst uggosalad king n i herd u ned sumffin calld βenglishβ fo bejeing a king i sai ppl lai but momz0r sai das true n i ned dat thing cald βenglishβ so i tech him
yer i tried ov peaplel tell me uggosaladians fat nigger or sumit plez halp wit dis becuz it mak me want cry evrynite
Itβs just people who are jealous of uggosaladians, There pretty skilled and talented. There the best coders in my opinion. Ignore them!
thenk u i well ignor dem my grendma tell me i be teem leadir uther dey so i decid teem leadir can agnor ppl
Hmm wrong section?
I did not know we had a spam section
You may be beyond help, but the search feature is a great place to start. Also, check what board youβre in next time. :s