
Ok, this may seem very noobish, but i am a newb. I dwnloaded a source from Moparscape, then edited some things. When you log in it said "Welcome to *******scape! Owner is… " I went into, then edited it to say “Welcome to DavidScape! Owner is Davidi2!” I saved the JAVA file, but when I loaded the client, nothing changed?? :confused: how do I make the changes go into effect!?

EDIT - Ah, gotta love the past.

You need to COMPILE the Java files into class files by simply running the batch file named either ‘Compile’ or ‘Build’.

Oh lol… i knew that… also, when ppl start, they are invisible? how do i fix? It also seems that people cant log in again after logging out. I create an account, log it out, try to log it back in, but it says error connecting to server… fix?[br][br][size=1]Posted on: November 09, 2008, 11:06:33 am[/size][hr]also, if i close my client(but keep the server running) open it back up, try to log in, it says that the account it already logged in?! :confused:

AM I like, followed by a ghost?? :expressionless: