Hey guys what do you think of my toy prefix notation calculator

[code=java]import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator;
import java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;


  • calc - a prefix notation calculator
    public class calc {
    public calc() {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
    while(true) {
    System.out.print("> “);
    String expr = scanner.nextLine();
    if(expr.equals(“quit”)) break;
    if(expr.equals(“help”) || expr.equals(”?"))
    Queue q = new LinkedList<>();
    Scanner exprScanner = new Scanner(expr);
    System.out.println("Tokens: " + q);
    try {
    Expression res = parse(q);
    System.out.println("In-fix: " + res);
    } catch(Exception e) {
    System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());

    private Expression parse(Queue q) throws Exception {
    if(q.isEmpty()) throw new Exception(“Invalid input.”);
    String token = q.remove().replace(")","");
    try {
    return new Number(Double.parseDouble(token));
    } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
    switch(token) {
    case “(sqrt”: return new SquareRoot(parse(q));
    case “(+”: return new Add(parse(q), parse(q));
    case “(*”: return new Multiply(parse(q), parse(q));
    case “(/”: return new Divide(parse(q), parse(q));
    case “(-”:
    return new Negate(parse(q));
    return new Subtract(parse(q), parse(q));
    throw new Exception(“Invalid input.”);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try {
    new calc();
    } catch(Exception e) {

    private static void usage() {
    System.out.println(“calc - a prefix notation calculator”);
    System.out.println(“Enter an expression below to be evaluated.”);

    public interface Expression {
    public double eval();
    public String toString();

    static class Number implements Expression {
    double val;

     Number(double val) {
         this.val = val;
     public double eval() {
         return val;
     public String toString() {
         return ""+val;


    static class UnaryExpression implements Expression {
    private String operator;
    private double defaultValue;
    private DoubleUnaryOperator op;
    private Expression expression;

     UnaryExpression(String operator, double defaultValue,
                     DoubleUnaryOperator op, Expression expression) {
         this.operator = operator;
         this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
         this.op = op;
         this.expression = expression;
     public double eval() {
         return op.applyAsDouble(expression.eval());
     public String toString() {
         return operator + "(" + expression.toString() + ")";


    static class BinaryExpression implements Expression {
    private String operator;
    private double defaultValue;
    private DoubleBinaryOperator op;
    private Queue expressions;

     BinaryExpression(String operator, double defaultValue,
                      DoubleBinaryOperator op, Expression[] expressions) {
         this.operator = operator;
         this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
         this.op = op;
         this.expressions = new LinkedList<Expression>();
         for(Expression expression : expressions)
     public double eval() {
         return expressions.stream()
     public String toString() {
         return expressions.stream()
                           .collect(Collectors.joining(" " + operator + " ", "(", ")"));


    static class Negate extends UnaryExpression {
    Negate(Expression expression) {
    super("-", 0.0, (v) -> -v, expression);

    static class SquareRoot extends UnaryExpression {
    SquareRoot(Expression expression) {
    super(“√”, 0.0, (v) -> Math.sqrt(v), expression);

    static class Add extends BinaryExpression {
    Add(Expression… expressions) {
    super("+", 0.0, (l, r) -> l + r, expressions);

    static class Subtract extends BinaryExpression {
    Subtract(Expression… expressions) {
    super("-", 0.0, (l, r) -> l - r, expressions);

    static class Multiply extends BinaryExpression {
    Multiply(Expression… expressions) {
    super("*", 0.0, (l, r) -> l * r, expressions);

    static class Divide extends BinaryExpression {
    Divide(Expression… expressions) {
    super("/", 0.0, (l, r) -> l / r, expressions);

What works: (- 2 2), (- 2), (+ 2 2), (+ (+ 2 2) (+ 2 2))

What doesn’t work: (+ 2 2 2 2), (- (+ 2 2))

I suck at parsing this stuff properly. Any suggestions?

could define a grammar and use that to parse the input? pyPEG for python is good and something similar must exist for java

From a structure perspective, I’d recognise the difference between unary operators (not, neg etc), binary operators (-, / etc) and operators that take an arbitrary number of arguments (+, *, map, fold etc) so you could separate processing the operands from the actual operation.

CUP would be a shout - sort of mimics YACC.

[quote=“Fat Cookies, post:3, topic:555482”]From a structure perspective, I’d recognise the difference between unary operators (not, neg etc), binary operators (-, / etc) and operators that take an arbitrary number of arguments (+, *, map, fold etc) so you could separate processing the operands from the actual operation.

CUP would be a shout - sort of mimics YACC.[/quote]- and / take an arbitrary number of arguments too (I’m kinda going based off of Racket syntax). Thanks for the suggestions – I’ll implement em :slight_smile:

Just a tip: Use java.util.Scanner rather than java.util.StringTokenizer, as that is more a legacy class these days.

Edit: I saw you’re using both. Why?

[quote=“object, post:5, topic:555482”]Just a tip: Use java.util.Scanner rather than java.util.StringTokenizer, as that is more a legacy class these days.

Edit: I saw you’re using both. Why?[/quote]Good point, I’ll incorporate that now.

Here is the latest code. I refactored the inner class structure, but it’s still not parsing arbitrary arguments (yet):

[code=java]import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator;
import java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator;


  • calc - a prefix notation calculator
    public class calc {
    public calc() {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
    while(true) {
    System.out.print("> “);
    String expr = scanner.nextLine();
    if(expr.equals(“quit”)) break;
    if(expr.equals(“help”) || expr.equals(”?"))
    Queue q = new LinkedList<>();
    Scanner exprScanner = new Scanner(expr);
    try {
    Expression res = parse(q);
    } catch(Exception e) {
    System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());

    private Expression parse(Queue q) throws Exception {
    if(q.isEmpty()) throw new Exception(“Invalid input.”);
    String token = q.remove().replace(")","");
    try {
    return new Number(Double.parseDouble(token));
    } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
    if(token.equals("(+")) {
    return new Add(parse(q), parse(q));
    } else if(token.equals("(-")) {
    return new Negate(parse(q));
    return new Subtract(parse(q), parse(q));
    } else if(token.equals("(*")) {
    return new Multiply(parse(q), parse(q));
    } else if(token.equals("(/")) {
    return new Divide(parse(q), parse(q));
    } else if(token.equals("(sqrt")) {
    return new SquareRoot(parse(q));
    throw new Exception(“Invalid input.”);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try {
    new calc();
    } catch(Exception e) {

    private static void usage() {
    System.out.println(“calc - a prefix notation calculator”);
    System.out.println(“Enter an expression below to be evaluated.”);

    public interface Expression {
    public double eval();
    public String toString();

    static class Number implements Expression {
    double val;

     Number(double val) {
         this.val = val;
     public double eval() {
         return val;
     public String toString() {
         return ""+val;


    static class UnaryExpression implements Expression {
    private String operator;
    private double defaultValue;
    private DoubleUnaryOperator op;
    private Expression expression;

     UnaryExpression(String operator, double defaultValue,
                     DoubleUnaryOperator op, Expression expression) {
         this.operator = operator;
         this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
         this.op = op;
         this.expression = expression;
     public double eval() {
         return op.applyAsDouble(expression.eval());
     public String toString() {
         return operator + "(" + expression.toString() + ")";


    static class BinaryExpression implements Expression {
    private String operator;
    private double defaultValue;
    private DoubleBinaryOperator op;
    private Queue expressions;

     BinaryExpression(String operator, double defaultValue,
                      DoubleBinaryOperator op, Expression[] expressions) {
         this.operator = operator;
         this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
         this.op = op;
         this.expressions = new LinkedList<Expression>();
         for(Expression expression : expressions)
     public double eval() {
         return expressions.stream()
     public String toString() {
         Iterator it = expressions.iterator();
         String ret = it.next().toString();
         for(Expression expression : expressions)
             ret += operator + it.next().toString();
         return ret;


    static class Negate extends UnaryExpression {
    Negate(Expression expression) {
    super("-", 0.0, (v) -> -v, expression);

    static class SquareRoot extends UnaryExpression {
    SquareRoot(Expression expression) {
    super(“√”, 0.0, (v) -> Math.sqrt(v), expression);

    static class Add extends BinaryExpression {
    Add(Expression… expressions) {
    super("+", 0.0, (l, r) -> l + r, expressions);

    static class Subtract extends BinaryExpression {
    Subtract(Expression… expressions) {
    super("-", 0.0, (l, r) -> l - r, expressions);

    static class Multiply extends BinaryExpression {
    Multiply(Expression… expressions) {
    super("*", 0.0, (l, r) -> l * r, expressions);

    static class Divide extends BinaryExpression {
    Divide(Expression… expressions) {
    super("/", 0.0, (l, r) -> l / r, expressions);