Homebuilt computer using only SSI logic and memory IC's

This is a redesign of what i made in a sim some years ago, only now i’ll be building it for real, i’ll be designing “units” that i’ll test and build seperately (e.g. ALU, Registers) , progress ATM:

  • ALU design done
  • Register card design done
  • Started building ALU card

blog with pictures : http://newip.pcpu.co.cc/

Schematics of what i’ve built (April 1st 2012)

ALU card as of May 2012

ALU card as of 2-Sep-2011

Looks like a great project, I look forward to seeing updates.

Also, how long until you get it to run Linux? (I joke :P)

if i ever get to porting an os itll be a RTOS or minix (neat and simple and 2 books of docs + code snippets)

in b4 bootnecklad

I’m sure minix would be easier to port, but not as cool or handy as Linux. :slight_smile:

Anyway, sorry for trying to get you ahead of yourself, keep up the good work.

posted to blog, also feel free to comment there

ALU card
drac ULA?

drac ULA?[/quote]rep++


oh :frowning:

We should run some benchmarking tests so we can see whos homebrew CPU is better! (Once I actually finish mine dur)

What speeds do you expect PCPU to run at? (Instructions per second and clock input)

Im sorry for not updating for such a long time but i’ve added the schematics of what i’ve built until now, i havent really been workingon it since last september as i was very busy with school, but ive started to work on it again :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ll still probably finish it before bootnecklad finishes titan.
I presume you know that your blog is down.
Everybody’s been writing assemblers and emulators recently (including myself), so if you document your cpu/instruciton set well someone may be up for writing either one. I’m under the impression you want to write the tools yourself though.

At the moment i think i’ll write the assembler and microcode “compiler” myself, but i think i’ll either ask somebody to port a C toolchain or i’ll use a compiler that uses an assembler backend and implement a instruction set that closely resembles an existing ISA.

The processor’s instruction set will be fully microcoded so i should be able to implement any ISA that resembles the register configuration of my processor.

Those pictures…

Nice to see some progress, get on MITB IRC some time and we can discuss stuff!

read about my processor here: https://github.com/bootnecklad/Titan-Specifications

Max clock frequency?

i should really look into that once, the determining factor is the propagation time of the chips im using, but to know what frequency i’d really have to calculate it:s

New post:
Working on this again, fixed site and new pictures :slight_smile:
ALU card as of May 2012