[quote=“Frell, post:4, topic:377858”]Real human skin isnt all one color with darks and lights. Id start with a more pale color and add in reds where they look like they need to go (girl’s cheeks etc)
For the hair line, what i mean is you go straight from skin to grey. Use a scattered brush so the line isnt so defined (little skin above the hair line). The girls hair looks like shes wearing a tight hat. Just soften them up.[/quote]
I’m an idiot. I merged all layers, so I either start again, or I start with a new image.
I chose the latter, here’s my progress.


I think the skin color on this guy is much better, and if I may say so myself the sweater he’s wearing looks awesome. If you look closely enough, you’ll notice the tires are a little more like you’d expect them to be, although they are a bit greenish in the shadowy parts. That’s the downside of black and white pictures, spots that didn’t get enough light are to dark to find out what they belong to.
Any tips on how to do the brick wall? I want the bricks to be red, and the fillets to be white/grey. Are there any methods other then adding every single brick to a layer with Quick mask?