Im modeling

dat pelvic bulge.

Very good detail with the modeling. The tight buttcheeks are a nice touch.

looks like me irl

even his junk!

Looks beast m8

does zbrush not come with phong?
Also, polycount?

so… where’s his penis

[quote=“Cole1497, post:23, topic:445151”]does zbrush not come with phong?
Also, polycount?[/quote]
Zbrush uses matcaps so it can depth shade 20m polys in real time. The white renders are in c4d

The inside part of the feet look different. In my opinion that is. My feet are also messed up, so perhaps that is what a normal foot looks like. :stuck_out_tongue: great job.

Clench dem buttcheeks

who notices feet “problems?”

fuk you

Most people are flat footed, I sculpted it normal

Ah that’s true. How long does a piece like that take you?

hour or two for the overall thing, and then detailing can vary depending on the amount of detail I want