Im modeling

The starting mesh was modeled by hand in 3DS Max, and then the program it is in right now is ZBrush which is basically digital clay sculpting.

starting an unannounced project, heres where I am:

My first sculpting attempt if some ref, very rough and alot of wrong anatomy. I took it into photoshop and did alot of correcting myself with my own knowledge of anatomy since its easier to lay down ideas in PS.

Ignore the head, its a placeholder ill be sculpting separately.

My new version after fixing alot of blatant errors and fixing alot of proportion errors

Still lots to fix, im on burnout right now

Yes all my sculpts of anatomy usually start -------> get finished but look like shit and I get burned out and go do something else for a bit ----------------> come back and notice everything wrong and fix it by eye.

Dat six pack! :smiley:

Looking cool frell!

But it’s a maleshe? :confused: no penis

Lol its not going to be a statue. This is just my base underlying model that clothes will be modeled on for correct fitting. If I make a character that actually shows the body shirtless or naked then I would go into further detail, but this is just a middle ground where I can make him super buff or super skinny very easily for whatever I want to make.

I know hehe I was joking :smiley:
Looks awesome though.

I’ve been trying to download Cinema 4D but it gives me an error and it takes over 4 hours for me to download so I don’t bother with modeling xD

I don’t know how you can sit there and stare at that and model it… If I did that everyone in my family would think I was bent straight away…

I’d say it looks good but I don’t think that would sound right considering it’s a naked man.

You should see my reference photos on my other monitor while I work if you think the model is explicit…

Model me like one of your French girls

Are you referencing from manikins as well? This is kinda what this is I guess if your saying your gonna dress him up.

Seriously though the models look well modeled.

referencing from actual humans. Im not going to play dress up with the model lol… youll see.

This looks awesome! Good job.

We don’t care if they are clothed, to be anatomical correct they need a penis. If so just to please those who are making a nude patch to your game/thing.

His cheeks seem really bony

Frell, you’re extremely talented. Looks awesome!



[quote=“Frell, post:16, topic:445151”]MORE FIXING

Starting to look alot better :wink:
Nice job :smiley:

Im starting over because i noticed alot of issues with my base mesh

Ill post this just incase some of you are curious of what I actually model IN MAX before I start sculpting in zbrush.

redid it