Intelligent conversation

[quote=“Moparisthebest, post:10, topic:410034”]Why would you? Then you have to worry about assigning an unsigned integer to a signed one or vice-versa, and there isn’t anything you can do with unsigned integers that you can’t with signed integers.

It’s always better to follow the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Stupid.[/quote]

Java and Keep It Simple Silly? Uh… I don’t agree. (This is not a Java-hate post, but relevant for sure:

I don’t find Ruby to be elegant.

Inb4 Mopman rage.

[quote=“t4, post:42, topic:410034”]I don’t find Ruby to be elegant.

Inb4 Mopman rage.[/quote]You should really argue about semantic ideas. How to solve the problem, rather than debating which language is better to solve the problem.

[quote=“t4, post:42, topic:410034”]I don’t find Ruby to be elegant.

Inb4 Mopman rage.[/quote]

Not rage, but I’m curious if you have anything to back that up with or are just mindlessly trolling