IRC Page Issues

Hi guys, not sure if anyone has reported this but this occurs when I visit

[font=Tahoma]An error occurred.[size=medium]Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again later.[/size] [size=medium]If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the[url=]error log[/url] for details.[/size] [size=medium][i]Faithfully yours, nginx.[/i][/size] [size=medium][/size][/font]

Just checked it happens to me also. Good job Tom you broke the irc client…

Weird, i tried a while back it worked but now its not :o

if you really want to use kiwiirc just go to and enter the server

i’m going to assume that you already knew this but it’s always there for those who didn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

I use mibbit when I don’t have an IRC client installed (which I don’t at the moment because I rarely use it).

This should have been fixed quite awhile ago, just didn’t see this topic.