Is anyone successfully botting OSRS accounts?

Hi guys,

Are any of you working on a bot, or private scripts for one of the public bots, that has successfully leveled an account in OSRS?
I was taking a look at a few of the free bots yesterday wondering if it was worthwhile writing scripts for them.

A bit of discussion indicates that some people are having success with private scripts, while those using public scripts are pretty much shit out of luck and likely banned within two or three days.

So yeah, does anyone have any thoughts on this?

I’m pretty sure the majority of bot busting at this point in osrs is having the mods going around and investigating reports, You could probably get by with the public scripts if you added social interactions to your bots

I’ve made around 500$ on my scripts in the store for a bot. I get my weekly paychecks for the purchases and do 0 updates since it works on a basis of analyzing the area and solving the steps to complete tasks. Really nice to be honest.

Which bot?

You just have to get the + or ++ rank to sell scripts (You could easily get ++ and it’s nice for recognition so people trust you more).

The API is ‘meh’ because in my opinion most people who write bots don’t understand that you should be able to do multiple tasks with various devices asynchronously to one another. Like you have two hands, you should have at least two threads executing actions for the mouse and keyboard simultaneously with futures that you can chain to block. The developers just scoffed that point off like ‘Well it works why would we change it’.

But eh. I don’t have the time to write a bot and I wouldn’t make nearly as much as I would just writing simple scripts.

I’ve been playing with OSBot. Are they comparable?

Yeah. The APIs are about the same, and I think the payouts are too. I think OSBot has a larger userbase but on one of my free scripts I had close to 10k users so. But only the gold farmers want to dish out money for scripts, like in the hundreds. It’s not worth the time, the easy cherry picking scripts get more of a profit. It’s because there’s a lot of scripters and it’s fairly easy to do so they can find it ‘cheaper’. Which is bollocks I’m not doing 5-10 hours of work for 100$. Lmao.

How many lines of code in your script? And how many in the larger scripts that are considered better/premium/payworthy? Sorry for twenty questions. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean it can range between 200-1000? You can obviously break them into different classes, since they have a git repository you use and automatically compile your scripts from. It’s quite nice! I’d have to pull and check if you want an exact number. Most of my scripts are ‘dynamic’ and just are a skeleton that fit under certain conditions that scan the area, check if it meets the condition to run, gives options to the user, and off it goes. Obviously there’s various data views to help that scan and as Jagex adds in new content I just add in new configurations. Simple stuff, and never breaks. Which helps me since I can do fudge all and collect my paychecks.

The scripts where you code in ‘case by case’ are massive. THousands of lines. It’s awful.

I actually advised to them to stop using their stupid web based pathfinding and use HPA* since it’s terribly inefficient (although it WORKS for most situations, eh) so that I could do some very advanced scripting. Most actions in Runescape aren’t actually that complex, and in scripting the pathing is one of the most annoying pieces because you can’t rely on the way they do it and code it in yourself. At least I don’t trust their methods since they black box it and are adamant about not sharing how they do it which is bloody stupid. I honestly am just super annoyed with them most of the time lmao. Too secretive, it’s not even a trade secret just tell me how exactly the pathing works so I can determine if its bollocks or not.

Which on the subject of HPA*, it’s an interesting algorithm. I tried implementing it a few times but it’s fairly complex.

I’ve actually been reading the AI game dev book recently. Including the pathfinding chapters.

Frankly I don’t think it matters that much if the time complexity of their chosen algorithm is the best, unless you’re trying to bot many accounts at the same time.
Does their pathfinding handle obstacles though? Things like opening doors en route?

Probably not efficiently to not be predictable with their antiban. But yes I think so.

The web based algorithm isn’t dynamic. You can construct the traversal maps yourself using the cache and then analyze it, or just cache them when the files are updated. It’s like using a hammer when you need a screwdriver. Sure, you may be able to fasten a screw but it’s just inefficient. That was always the basis of my argument for them to try and implement HPA*. Also having better hooks to recognize world updates and working off them, because scripts SHOULD update at the same rate of the server since no new information is really relayed before those points in a manner that you can react to in a human like manner.

Frankly if I designed an API the ‘loop’ function would call every server update. That and the asynchronous mouse/keyboard actions. Still bothers me even if I don’t really script for them.

[quote=“sini, post:11, topic:555696”]Probably not efficiently to not be predictable with their antiban. But yes I think so.

The web based algorithm isn’t dynamic. You can construct the traversal maps yourself using the cache and then analyze it, or just cache them when the files are updated. It’s like using a hammer when you need a screwdriver. Sure, you may be able to fasten a screw but it’s just inefficient. That was always the basis of my argument for them to try and implement HPA*. Also having better hooks to recognize world updates and working off them, because scripts SHOULD update at the same rate of the server since no new information is really relayed before those points in a manner that you can react to in a human like manner.

Frankly if I designed an API the ‘loop’ function would call every server update. That and the asynchronous mouse/keyboard actions. Still bothers me even if I don’t really script for them.[/quote]

do they take a cut for selling scripts and do people actually buy them? Why does the walking related stuff look like a resurrection of iBot? ruler_eric is at it again?