I was wondering if anyone known of any rs2 servers that have a android client I know that there is osrs gnu root but not looking to play jagexs server, I don’t want to install a os if had to or if there be a way to get it run with terminal/gnu root thanks
Is there any RS2 Servers that have a Android Cleint?
Without a doubt and even without research I can easily say No. There is too much code that would need to be re-written along with the fact that the client is not made for the smaller screen size. I assume this could work on a tablet but still would require almost an entire re-write of the RS2 code. Simplest solution I could give you is to see if your device can run an debian based linux and play from there. I used my TF101 android tablet running a full 14.04 xUbuntu setup to play several java based games just fine.
There’s an android client for an RSC private server. There also was a client written for the Xbox 360(pretty sure this was the system) by peterjbornx. But to my knowledge I haven’t seen a rs2 android client.
Playing runescape on a 5" screen doesn’t sound fun at all…
Sorry I haven’t been on haven’t got any notifications on here on replays when I check this site. Thanks for the responses I know I can run
Iinux on Android as well was wondering if there was any yet. I could install Linux on my n7 2nd or was thinking about my nexus player if I got it working out can’t really find any good guides on how about installing Linux on Android any help thanks