Is this the new "Models section"?

Sooo, hello everyone, aaand yea… F it, I’ll just go ahead and ask:

Is this the place to talk about modelling also? I may seem new to the forums, but I ain’t. I’ve actually been here really long (from 2006) but the name I had was kinda cluttered and also not “mine”. Forgive me for being a “noob” with the old account, I was just so young. LoL, why am I asking for forgiving!?

Anyway, if this is the right place for this post, I’ll just ask my question now: I’m pretty new with Blender and these kinds of things, so could someone give me info on how I SHOULD do “normal” models? (Not these RS models, I stopped caring about making any content for that game…)
I’m now familiar with pretty much everything I need for now, but the right way to use vertices got me confused. Should I strive for making everything triangulated or am I fine with pretty much any possible shaped faces? Because right now I have this thing in the shape I wanted it to be but it still looks like too many polys. I could put a picture up but it might make me feel kind of embarrassed if some of the “cool” guys come around. :expressionless: (Like Dylan or the other bad boys.)

  • ArmorCroc

Hello~ Who are you to start off with and have we met?

Well hello Kracky, you don’t know me, but I defo know you! You’ve gotten yourself pretty much of a name, which I never had to begin with. Most of the time I’ve been idle-ish, but had my eyes on some parts of the forum, especially things “Lin” did (was it Lin or Lyn…?) and the models section was also good at some point. (Specifically before the recolor era.) Aaaand I am quite happy about that I think I have Dylan’s Dragon Weapons set somewhere around my computer. :slight_smile: Still, I got no answers from you…? Is this the right place for this post? Do YOU have any advice on this model thingy? (I am not sure what was your “speciality”, but I think it was models, right?)

Well good, and yeah I believe this is the section for non-Runescape models.

If you want to make high poly models which aren’t involved with rs, then yes this is the place to post your models. There are a few members on this board that actually make models which aren’t related to rs in any way, if you would look at Cole’s threads.

Also, recolouring doesn’t happen on this forum. If you had been keeping an eye on that section you would have known that, if you don’t believe me go take a look.

Good luck, i hope you stick with it.

Amy, what I meant with the recolouring was that it was an era back in the days. I sure hope the recolouring has finally ended and will stay dead. (Nobody likes zombies, right?)

The thing is, I’m starting by making models to the super-duper-ultra-mega-awesome game “Overgrowth” which I bought not so long ago. While talking about the game, please help me and others to resurrect the development of this game, it has a hell of a lot o’ potential! Back on track: I’m just starting off and the models I’m making aren’t so high on polygons at the moment. I’m here to ask how I should do this better. (The selected part is what bothers me for the moment.)

And finally, my latest two years here have been very inactive and that’s why I asked if this is the right place.

  • ArmorCroc

The models now, after this recolouring era you’re talking about, are a lot better then what they were before.

I’ve never heard of this game before, i don’t know how i am suppose to help. Usually beginners are the ones who over do the poly amount, so that is a good thing. I don’t know what that is, can you explain what you’re trying to make?

Yeah, true… The picture does say a thousand words, but maybe not the right ones… Hope this one clarifies a little:

The game is pretty much summed up by saying this: Rabbits fighting with swords and epic parkour moves.

Edit: Even more info: This is a parkour “tube”, the outer area is a cylinder with 8 sides, and it’s hollow with a 6 sided cylinder. Then there’s this hole on top, bottom and one on the side.

Edit 2: Little introduction to Overgrowth: That’s a rabbit jumping with his sword in front of Minecraft skinned blocks (The only achievement from me so far, don’t judge! :smiley: )