Jagex is closing Darkscape, do we start advertising RSPS on their community hubs

So you’ve all been holding this “mopascep is ded, wat we doe” conversation for a while now well see this is an oppurtunity.

Jagex is closing down darkscape servers. Darkscape community overall is fucking pissed.
Darkscape community has decided to stick together and might be looking for an alternative.

If you think they’ll be hard to convince, they seem pretty salty about jagex to me.

So here’s what I was thinking: Finish the goddamn official server and let’s advertise to bring these people here.

Official jagex page on shutdown
Darkscape community TS server
Salty all over the place

wasn’t darkscape the same as deadman mode simply for rs3?

well, sort of

the differences are that if you die in deadman mode your killer has access to your bank and you lose exp in skills and whatnot
DMM is a lot more unforgiving than darkscape

I was maxed in Darkscape and I had a fantastic time on it playing RS3 content. Jagex shot it in the foot with the choices they made. RS is inherently a terribly, terribly, terribly designed video game. They tried to fix a lot the core issues in Darkscape and it ended up driving people away.

I’m sad but I’ll probably just end up playing the last month and have some fun.

It was 10000000000000000000000% better than Deadman thats for-fucking-sure.

The 1-itemers hotfixes was kinda funny. I ended up having like 5 or 6 addy 2h’s at the start by using magic to lure a melee guard to the swamp area where everyone was doing the free prayer exp minigame. Was one of the first to get the Mystic Air Battlestaff and managed to sell it for 150k (before people realized the guy at the tower can upgrade it for you after the quest).

Yeah it was pretty hilarious… Shame to see it go :confused:

I didn’t even know Darkscape was a thing.

Runescape went downhill after RS2007. RS3 sux

rs3 is great, but sadly pvp is dead outside of warbands and w2 lode/white portal.

ds shutting down is a bad move.

such a jagex thing to do tbh lol

I had never even heard of DarkScape

Intelligence is something jagex lacks