Just a question, kinda skiped this when learning about server making

uhhh… i was just wondering is it possibe for a npc to do a emote like wave? if so plz explain…

Yes u can add a emote code thing.

(I think)

Sorry my english isn’t perfect because im german :wink: ! Learning it. :)!

how though… ive tried some stuff with a man but nothing =P
but what i know is how you can change the way it attacks… for example like a infernal doing a mage throwing emote when attacking…

Yes thats the “attack emote” but im not sure yet if u can add a normal emote.
Try using the “Search Button” !
Search for “Npc doing emotes”
Or something u like 2 search for.

Sorry my english isn’t perfect because im german :wink: ! Learning it. :)!