Krim's Gallery

Hello everyone. I just recently got involved into graphics designing (with a little help from this section)and I would like to start keeping my own gallery for art I create. I’ll try to update this everyday, eventually organizing a huge library of arts specially designed by me.

Here is my first piece of art I’ve ever done with Photoshop, and since art is 100% creativity and imagination, I decided to use a theme that humans have dreamed about for centuries – the novas:

Tell me what you think; Also, if you have any suggestions to what future arts should be, please do discuss. :slight_smile:

This isnt really a gallery… it is one peice.

Not if he keeps adding on like my sketchbook thread lol

The red part of the image looks like a catfish to be honest.

I dunno, my girlfriend and I really liked this banner. I’m not sure if it’s the colors or just the phrase. I love the philosophy and the colors tie into that well. :slight_smile:

The blue and red colors on the side are my favorite parts :smiley:

It look like the red and blue re pushing into each other to make the color purple. It look very nice good work on your gallery.

I feel like the red shouldn’t be so bright, overpowering the blue side.

Still looks awesome. Gj

[quote=“CreatorAlex, post:8, topic:444525”]I feel like the red shouldn’t be so bright, overpowering the blue side.

Still looks awesome. Gj[/quote]
Art always has a different effect on each person. We all interpret things differently, even if the reasoning seems similar. To explain my reasoning for the brightness in a more scientific matter, brighter novas usually appear to be red because of the massive heat produced from them, as opposed to the blue nova’s cooler and more relaxed character. :smiley:

I’ll try to get more pieces up, but I’ve been quite busy lately. Thanks for the great feedback so far! :wink:

I really like this. The concept itself seems a bit simplistic, but it looks amazing.

I like it, the red flare area attracts my attention, where as my attention should be automatically focused on the text. If you dim that down it would be fantastic. :slight_smile: