Lol wid me

Are the cases that I pasted earlier on IRC and the below are all copies of the brief, thanks to sexemplar for the original and c|p for the mirror.

So ruler, I heard you are fucked.

imma lollin wid u

acquire a copy of the complaint ty

You need a client code to get the full complaint, so unless rulerr or geno ablige or jagex feel like halping then that’s out of the question.

use hax.

Full brief

Rofl, they’re trying to sue RSCheata. They’ve even filed it in an American court, so there’s no way for them to get out of it is there?


also, hahahahah, fucking lol

Just read the entire brief, and I’ve gotta say it as well: Ruler, Genodemon, you guys are fucked.
There’s no way you two are getting out of this one.
They’ve asked for a jury too, and I don’t doubt for a second that their attorney will have as few people your age on it as possible. Best case for Jagex is that they have a jury filled with conservative businessmen; worst case, the jury is comprised of a few young ones who may just try to rationalise sympathy for you.

[me=frank_]would like to see Exhibit D[/me]

They’ve already stated enough in that brief – their detection/security measures are in pure java. They made absolutely no mention of security code being native to any extent.
Seeing as it’s a court document, I’d take that proclamation pretty seriously.

I laughed all the way to work, and am still laughing at work. On the other hand, I kinda feel bad, but only a really tiny little bit.

Also, this doesn’t bode well for their future employment prospects, would you want someone to work for you who’s been taken to court over copyright infringements? Regardless whether they win or lose that’s a pretty big black mark against your name.

They banned me from their irc when I laughed at them :frowning:

[quote=“eXemplar, post:13, topic:328973”]I laughed all the way to work, and am still laughing at work. On the other hand, I kinda feel bad, but only a really tiny little bit.

Also, this doesn’t bode well for their future employment prospects, would you want someone to work for you who’s been taken to court over copyright infringements? Regardless whether they win or lose that’s a pretty big black mark against your name.

They banned me from their irc when I laughed at them :([/quote]

I attempted to make a topic and it got instantly deleted, so either they have alerted their staff to the issue and told them no-quaters on topics that are based upon this finding, or they have added a blacklist about the situation.

As for the blackmark nexto their name - I sort of feel for them about that but oh well, their greed got the better of them in the long run and lets hope it is soon to happen to Qauters too. It would truely be the best news if it was the case.

[quote=“Cowie`, post:14, topic:328973”]I attempted to make a topic and it got instantly deleted, so either they have alerted their staff to the issue and told them no-quaters on topics that are based upon this finding, or they have added a blacklist about the situation.

As for the blackmark nexto their name - I sort of feel for them about that but oh well, their greed got the better of them in the long run and lets hope it is soon to happen to Qauters too. It would truely be the best news if it was the case.[/quote]
Yeah, it’s probably the best thing to do re: deleting anything relating to legal matters. Short of consulting a lawyer over each post, anything they leave there could potentially be used against them.

As far as greed goes, for sure. Only an idiot thinks they can profit off other peoples work and get away with it forever, especially a large company with the financial backing jagex has.

It would be different if they were respected among the rs botting communities and they could rally support the same way glider did in wow, but to my knowledge everyone thinks they’re imbeciles.

heh… that’s a shame.

but greed pwns you eventually

[quote=“eXemplar, post:15, topic:328973”][quote author=Cowie` link=topic=425358.msg3124047#msg3124047 date=1265845656]I attempted to make a topic and it got instantly deleted, so either they have alerted their staff to the issue and told them no-quaters on topics that are based upon this finding, or they have added a blacklist about the situation.

As for the blackmark nexto their name - I sort of feel for them about that but oh well, their greed got the better of them in the long run and lets hope it is soon to happen to Qauters too. It would truely be the best news if it was the case.[/quote]
Yeah, it’s probably the best thing to do re: deleting anything relating to legal matters. Short of consulting a lawyer over each post, anything they leave there could potentially be used against them.

As far as greed goes, for sure. Only an idiot thinks they can profit off other peoples work and get away with it forever, especially a large company with the financial backing jagex has.

It would be different if they were respected among the rs botting communities and they could rally support the same way glider did in wow, but to my knowledge everyone thinks they’re imbeciles.[/quote]

The deletion of everything is one of the terms in the full brief - They have to hand over anything containing source code or relating to Impulse Software for destruction, which unluckily for eric and mark also means his servers which he sells hosting from.

The greed aspect is a definate large aspect, they were not happy with Affiliation and Ad money as other bots are - He decided to resell the bot with specific scripts for upto $30 per script and that was probably his most foolish move. Releasing the bot freely is obviously going to have some issues but it is by far not as bad as using it for reselling purposes and making direct money from it. (Read as creating income from it rather than recieving donations).

They are not respected, and I dont think they ever have been. Eric thinks he is the start and the end of cheating because of his bot, and he thinks it is superior to all that is out there. Not to mention he’s quite a laughing stock because of his naming and his OMG KILLER-99-PKZ IS SEMAPHORE PSB KAITS-like conspiracy theories.

Shouldn’t have charged people money for it, and shouldn’t have kept it closed source.
It’s a lot harder for a company like Jagex to stomp out an open source project simply because everyone has the code.
Nexus, on the other hand, will die with them. And they’re going to find that all of their efforts have been fruitless when the judge awards Jagex all of the profits they’ve made.

[quote=“Lothy, post:18, topic:328973”]Shouldn’t have charged people money for it, and shouldn’t have kept it closed source.
It’s a lot harder for a company like Jagex to stomp out an open source project simply because everyone has the code.
Nexus, on the other hand, will die with them. And they’re going to find that all of their efforts have been fruitless when the judge awards Jagex all of the profits they’ve made.[/quote]

If you read the full brief then I’m sure their efforts will be less than fruitless when the judge awards Jagex all the profits, makes them destroy all of their Impulse software related items and then charges them for all legal fees etc.

Shhh, better not speak too loudly, MITB might be found to be in active concert or participation with them and pulled into judgement! :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re also seeking damages for time spent investigating and lost revenue from players quitting because of bots etc, which is lols, but blizzard vs glider was granted this to the tune of 6 million - even though they’re going through appeals atm.