Luna Lovegood (Evanna Lynch) Drawing

Welp, haven’t been on here in ages :open_mouth:
So, I got a tablet finally! :smiley:
And I made a loverly picture of Luna :slight_smile: From Harry Potter if you’re a social outcast who lives under a rock.
Rate/Hate/Masturbate! <3

Looks hotter than her and less weird, but it’s great, you’re making better progress than me, I got one for christmas too :wink:

[quote=“TheDrunkBunny, post:1, topic:428367”]Welp, haven’t been on here in ages :open_mouth:
So, I got a tablet finally! :smiley:
And I made a loverly picture of Luna :slight_smile: From Harry Potter if you’re a social outcast who lives under a rock.
Rate/Hate/Masturbate! <3

[/quote]Harry Potter sux, ur drawing is good.

It was supposed to look less weird that her, cause I kinda wanted to make her look prettier :stuck_out_tongue: But thanks, I’ve been trying to get some more experience in on my tablet :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hmm, i have a bamboo pad gathering dust and I feel a sudden urge to use it haha… Any ways good drawing overall, it needs more detail and variation in color but other than that, pretty neat.