[size=24pt]News (for the week 01/06/2015)[/size]
[size=18pt]Chat Server Upgrades[/size]
Some of you have be aware that recently the IRC server was hit by a string of DDOS attacks. This has been the reason for any downtime/connection issues experienced.
This has led to a host migration and t4 is now responsible for the server. We now have two nodes with one in Europe and one in America which is set to launch soon.
[size=14pt]Clan Chat for Hyperion (by Dan0194)[/size]
Dan recently posted a comprehensive copy+paste style tutorial on how to add fully functional clan chats to the Hyperion base. He covers both the client and server aspects of the feature. All topped off with a video of the final product which looks amazing!
[size=14pt]Item Definitions for Asteria 2.0 (by Fridder)[/size]
This is an awesome contribution which features 20,000+ item definitions for the popular Asteria base, alongside how to implement it.
[size=18pt]Client Hacking[/size]
[size=14pt]RuneTek 4 Engine Rewrite (by sini)[/size]
Sini has recently began rewriting the RuneTek 4 engine for use in the offcial private server. Make sure you keep up with his progress!
[size=14pt]RS838 Emulation (by Sir James1996)[/size]
James is back with another emulation of the current RuneScape protocol. Although not complete, it has quite a bit of basic functionality and should serve as a good base for those wanting to dabble in this protocol.