We are glad to announce the opening of a brand new pure vanilla server using Mojangs server base! This server will have a white list to access it (for security reasons) and will always run on the latest version of Minecraft. To be considered for the whitelist please private message Fuscate (Phaze One), zuppers or kickingjamie who will reply with the staff teams decision.
Here is a list of settings that the server will have which are different to the other servers:
[ul][li]PVP is off[/li]
[li]Mob/environmental damage is on.[/li]
[li]No chest protection, no rollback commands.[/li]
[li]The difficulty will be hard.[/li]
[li]We will also be implementing a death counter visible from the tab menu.[/li]
[li]Online mode will be on as well for security reasons (sorry to anyone who plays via cracked clients)[/li][/ul]
Rules: Must read!!
[ul][li]No greifing at all.[/li]
[li]No looting unless a chest is labeled as a community chest - in which case give back something before you take something.[/li]
[li]No Xrays, fly mods, hacks and so on.[/li]
[li]No messing with other peoples animals. If someone has a horse or a pen full of cows you don’t touch them without permission.[/li][/ul]
WARNING - Just because we are using Mojangs base that doesn’t mean we wont have ways to track down any rule breakers. Rule breakers will be removed from the whitelist and possibly banned on other areas of Moparcraft.
Last but not least the IP is: moparcraft.net:25566
Have fun!