[size=18pt]Table of Contents[/size]
[ul][li][iurl=#howtoplay]How to Play[/iurl][/li]
[li][iurl=#therules]Current Rules[/iurl][/li]
[li][iurl=#chestprotection]Chest Protection[/iurl][/li]
[li][iurl=#communication]Communication[/iurl] (In-game Chat, Voice chat, IRC)[/li]
[li][iurl=#worldmap]World map[/iurl][/li]
[li][iurl=#hawkeye]Coreprotect: Griefer detection[/iurl][/li]
[li][iurl=#tnt]TNT whitelist application[/iurl][/li]
[li][iurl=#pvp]Player Versus Player aka The Wild[/iurl][/li]
[li][iurl=#staff]Meet the staff team[/iurl][/li][/ul]
[anchor=howtoplay][size=18pt]How to Play[/size]
Cracked Client: http://up.ht/r790ZR (Thanks to CoonHunter)
Connection: moparcraft.net Port: 25565 (default port)
Client Information:
Version:1.5.2 (Read below)
You can connect with the paid client, however if you haven’t bought the game you can still play using CoonHunters client with the link above.
Before connecting to the server please make sure to set your [tt]Minecraft Name[/tt] here to the username you will be using on the server or to the name you paid for. Additionally you can also use your forum profile name.
When you connect to the server, you will be prompted for a password. After joining the server all you have to do is type the command /login yourforumpassword. This password will match your forum password for www.moparcraft.net/smf. If you don’t feel comfortable using your forum password as your Moparcraft server password feel free to change it here in the [tt]MoparCraft Server Password[/tt] field.
[anchor=therules][size=18pt]Official server rules[/size]
[center][b]1. Communication[/b] The forums and server are English only. If you want to speak in a different language please use the private message command.Spamming and advertising are not allowed on the server.
Excessively abusive messages are not allowed.
Impersonation of staff or members is not allowed.
No IRL trading, for example, I’ll send you $10 for X items on Moparcraft.
Racism and sexism are not allowed.
No profanity, or offensive messages are to be built with blocks on this server. This also counts for offensive signs and so on.
Failure to follow the rules in communication could result in a mute or temporary ban.
[center]2. Land property
Do not build on someone’s land without their permission, own-able land is considered anything inside walls/fences/and land that was placed. (e.g floating or ocean islands)
Harvesting someone else’s farms without permission is not acceptable even if you replant.
Don’t lock chest that don’t belong to you. Do NOT build structures out of LWC locks, or use them to ‘protect’ your structure.
Do not put chickens/boats or anything on somebody elses property without their permission. Constitutes as griefing. If the person does not find this stunt funny then they can report you, so if you’re going to do things like this then you are still liable to be punished if they see it as an attack.
Failure to follow the rules in land property constitutes as griefing and could result in a temporary ban or permanent ban.
[center]3. Animal husbandry
Do not breed an excessive amount of animals with the intentions of crashing or lagging the server.
Animals owners please place your animals in such a way that allows you to see who killed them. (e.g somewhere that requires block/door edits to get in)
Do not kill someone else’s animals.
Failure to follow the rules in animal husbandry constitutes as griefing and could result in a temporary ban or permanent ban.
[center]4. Commands & LWC
Do not spam the /tpahere command.
Do not build entire structures out of furnaces or chest or any other lwc enabled block.
Failure to follow the rules in commands & lwc could result in a temporary ban or permanent ban.
[center]5. Client modifications
Texture pack and mini-map mods are allowed (This doesn’t include features of the minimap which have been disabled on the server, for example: player finders, npc finders and so on). Modifications designed to give you an unfair advantage, such as structure finders are also disallowed.
Flying, Speed or x-ray type hacks are not allowed.
Failure to follow the rules in client modification constitutes as hacking and could result in a temporary ban or permanent ban.
[center]6. Client/Server bugs
Abusing server or client bugs to gain an unfair advantage is not allowed (Such as: duping)
Certain bugs are counted as features and the staff decides on this.
Failure to follow the rules in client/server bugs could result in a temporary ban or permanent ban.
[center]7. Ban evasion
Evading bans is against the rules.
Failure to follow the rules in ban evasion could result in a longer temporary ban or permanent ban.
[center]8. Falsifying evidence
Posting purposely wrong reports or modifying evidence in any way is against the rules.
Failure to follow the rules in falsifying evidence could result in a temporary ban or permanent ban.
[center]9. Staff decisions
The staff does not need a report to ban you for breaking the rules if we find evidence of you breaking them, appropriate actions will be taken.
Even if there is a report and the reporter decides to let the defendant go that doesn’t mean the staff will, we can still take appropriate actions.
[center]How to properly make a report
To make a report please post a topic in the MoparCraft Infraction Reports section http://www.moparcraft.net/smf/index.php/board,179.0.html
The title of the report should include the offenders in-game name or forum name and which ever rule you believe them to have broken.
Inside your post you need to include links to evidence. A example would be a screen shot of a inspect log. To use the inspect command do “/co inspect” in-game without quotations and place or click somewhere where you want to obtain evidence. Any previous changes made to where you placed the block will show up in a log. Now press f2 to take a screenshot, now Minecraft will place a screenshot in your %appdata%.minecraft\screenshots directory on windows based machines. You can upload the pictures to any picture sharing sites.
[center]Final thoughts
The rules will change periodically and it is your responsibility to read them.
The punishments listed for each rule are just a guideline.
All accounts on the Moparcraft server and forums belong to moparisthebest and as such if he personally finds you breaking any rules account deletion may occur.
[anchor=chestprotection][size=18pt]Chest Protection[/size]
This server has a plugin enabled that allows us to protect our chests. There are are many options available to you on how you want to do it, so you can protect your valuables the way you want.
There are two types of protection:
[ul][li]Public - Everyone has access to the chest, but only you can destroy it.[/li]
[li]Private - You and people you specify (details below) have access to the chest, but only you can destroy it.[/li][/ul]
[size=10pt]Public Protection[/size]
Public protection is good if you want everyone to be able to access the items in your chest , but you don’t want them to be able to destroy it. The syntax for this command is:
[size=10pt]Private Protection[/size]
Private protection means that only you can access the chest or destroy it. The syntax for this command is:
[size=10pt]Other Commands[/size]
Un-register your chest:
If you unprotect your chest, anyone can use it, or destroy it. Use with caution. The syntax for this command is:
Then click on your chest.
Allow others to access your chest:
You can give other users the ability to access your private chest by their username.
Then click on the chest.
Communication is a big part of this game, so we want to make sure you stay connected. There are many options available to you:
[ul][li]In-game chat[list][li]To talk in game, push the ‘t’ key, type your message, and hit enter. Your chat will be displayed.[/li]
[li]IRC Channel
[li]Channel: #moparcraft
This channel can be used to talk about this Minecraft server.[/li][li]If you need help joining the IRC server, use this tutorial. Thanks to casey.
Visit this thread for more information.[/li]
[anchor=worldmap][size=18pt]World map[/size]
The official world map is available here. It shows a top-down view of the entire world map since the last update. You can toggle between day (for a clear view) and night (to see the pretty lights) on the page.
It will update every early morning EST (GMT -5)
[anchor=hawkeye][size=18pt]Core Protect: Griefer detection[/size]
Core Protect is a plugin we use to catch griefers, and roll back their changes. You need to be aware of one thing though, it will NOT record changes to these blocks:
# gold block, iron block, diamond block, gold ore, iron ore, diamond ore, lapiz lazuli ore, redstone ore, glowing redstone ore, clay block
excluded-blocks: [41, 42, 57, 14, 15, 56, 21, 73, 74, 82]
So you shouldn’t use them where you care about losing them.
[anchor=tnt][size=18pt]TNT whitelist[/size]
We’ve got it sorted out now, I’m sure everybody will be happy to hear. If you feel you meet the criteria stated below then please feel free to apply to have TNT access, there is no application form as such you just have to post in this topic. http://www.moparcraft.net/smf/index.php/topic,536988
The following rules must be met:
[ul][li]Using it in PVP isn’t allowed AT ALL[/li][li]Using it grief obviously isn’t allowed.[/li][li]Do not leave it floating around placed - anyone can activate TNT, and if somebody griefs with TNT you’ve left placed then you’ll be held responsible.[/li][li]Use your common sense when using it.[/li][li]Try to bend, and find loop holes in these rules and you’ll just have your permissions removed.[/li][li]You mess the environment up, you clean it up.[/li][/ul]
If we suspect you to be a risk, or you breach any of these rules we withhold the right to remove your permission to use TNT at any time we please. If you’re denied the usage of TNT you will be PMed the same goes for if you’re accepted.
If you get denied and are unhappy about it do not spam this thread as you will be infracted, moaning won’t get you reconsidered. Patience will. Just because you get denied doesn’t mean we deem you untrustworthy, we have a number of variables to consider before giving anyone TNT permission so please don’t linger on it
Just because you’ve been denied it once, doesn’t mean you cannot apply again in the future.
[anchor=pvp][size=18pt]The Wild[/size]
The griefing rule is substantially relaxed, if you’re easily upset and aren’t willing to have your property damaged in combat - then this isn’t the area for you.
Stealing from chest is allowed.
Your chat in the wild has a radius of 32 blocks, you can not private message other players.
Your inventory & armor along with any potion effects will be removed upon entering or leaving the wild.
The border around the wild is protected from block placement and removal. So you can not build near it.
Spawn killing is still not allowed e.g killing someone multiple times at their re-spawn point.
You can not lock check or protect any blocks using lwc here.
To enter the wild you need to use /wild then read the warning and type /wild yes.
A countdown will began and after 20 seconds of not moving you will be teleported randomly into the wild. (Remember you will lose any items you have on you)
[anchor=staff][size=18pt]In-Game Staff List[/size]
[li]Tom5001 (Tom)[/li]
[li]xvizardx17 (zuppers)[/li]
[li]hairypenguins (Si Force)[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Fuscate (Phaze One)[/li]
[li]Kickingjamie (kickingjamie)[/li]
[li]Manbearpig (omgilikepie)[/li][/ul]
If you have any issues, pm them on the forums or contact them ingame.
~ The Staff Team