Moparisthebest Community

This is by no means finished, i will keep adding to it and if you think i have missed you out or you have been misrepresented let me know. At the moment i have done staff and some other people who were on IRC so you want to be done let me know and i will add you on if the image starts getting to full up i will expand it so no one will be left out


Awesome :smiley:


I don’t think you need the description with sppt. Otherwise it will stand out, or if you did it with more people - just become clustered.

ok thanks for the suggestion Greeny i might add a few more but too many

Yay you got my one right!


Lol you said the plant one so i just picked the most plantlike

Where am I?

if you’d been on IRC i would’ve added i will do now whats your personality like?

wow wtf is this madness, voltorb?

Apparently its coz you blow yourself up

There’s not enough room on this one but maybe the nest one i’ll have a sign there

Yes doing it now

Liek add me there?

w0w wheres mudkip casey?

What pokemon best represents you?
Edit adding Casey now

Wow the entire community is made up of 17 pokemon? That is hard to believe. Yet somehow I believe it might be true…

Like i said its not finished if people leave what pokemon they are i will add them

Eh, what about me?

(I’m called the emo kid)

Lol’d at mine, io9’s and Stork’s.

Make me diglet.