Moparscape 3.2 aryan client closes while starting

I don’t know if this is the right section to post this in, so sorry if it’s the wrong one.

So me and my friends recently thought we’d try to get a moparscape server up for us to play around with and test things, however as the title says, the moparscape 3.2 aryan client closes itself while starting up and I can’t seem to find any solutions to it. The same thing happens for both of them, and on my second PC. I also have no idea why it works on my gaming PC, I did download it back in 2012, so you’d think it might just be that some update broke it, but there has been no updates since like 2008 and I’ve also seen people saying that you need Java 5 for it to work, although I’ve never had Java 5 on that PC. It’s running Windows 7 tho, my other PC is running Linux whilst one of my friends PC’s are running Windows 8 and the other one is running Windows 10.