Multiple thread owners - Golden idea

[quote=“Uncalled, post:20, topic:525313”][quote author=Taharok link=topic=644055.msg4334724#msg4334724 date=1374172634]
SMF doesn’t support it by default. It would need to be an additional modification.
[/quote]And why is that a bad thing? Isn’t this what the suggestions is for? I realize that it would be a while before anything like this would happen due to this reason, but it’s not a bad thing to wait.[/quote]

Wait on what? My point is, it can’t be implemented unless someone writes a package for it.

[quote=“Taharok, post:21, topic:525313”][quote author=Uncalled link=topic=644055.msg4335224#msg4335224 date=1374244068]

Wait on what? My point is, it can’t be implemented unless someone writes a package for it.[/quote]

Its really not that good of an idea… I don’t see why everyone wants it implemented so badly when very few of you will actually use it.

[quote=“Newty, post:23, topic:525313”]Its really not that good of an idea… I don’t see why everyone wants it implemented so badly when very few of you will actually use it.[/quote]I believe that it would be used quite often, actually.

I am actually very for this. I see how it could be abused, but if there was an edit history (kind of how Wiki does its page edits) then I think it would help an extremely big amount for Server Dev and Server Adv becoming much more active and professional.

Well, if its being used for say… a server development (which is where I see it being used most if it ever is added) then you can just remove anyones edit permissions if they start editing things you didn’t want changes, they get demoted, etc.

What makes you say that? Lol.

It only really needs to be implemented for the RS2 dev boards and the RSC boards

Well Taharok has not given a straight no. Somebody start writing the mod then?

[quote=“Arcik, post:28, topic:525313”]Somebody start writing the mod then?[/quote]Ahahahahah

[quote=“Davidi2, post:29, topic:525313”][quote author=Arcik link=topic=644055.msg4336198#msg4336198 date=1374414330]
Somebody start writing the mod then?

Davidi2 just volunteered, awesome!

[quote=“Arcik, post:30, topic:525313”][quote author=Davidi2 link=topic=644055.msg4336237#msg4336237 date=1374421487]

Davidi2 just volunteered, awesome![/quote]

wow thanks david, you’re so nice :slight_smile:

Did he really? If so, thank you very much David.

Would be a shame if he let us all down.

Wow David you’re the best, especially when you touch my breasts!

he didn’t touch my breasts, and its my idea :frowning:

decided to bump this, didn’t wanna see it die


A good change would be if more than one person can edit the topic.
So the person who posted the topic can add the people that can edit the post.

Say if I made a topic about something, and I added someone’s name onto the options so he can edit my topic etc.

And this would probably go with the Server Advertisements and Server Development boards.

Just a thought.

I could have sworn this had been suggested before.

And I don’t support this. There’s way to many open ends.

If a person got kicked from a dev team or something, they could go in a fit of “rage” and delete the advert, or totally ruin it. Etc.

Why would you give someone the ability to edit your topic unless you actually trust them to not be a douchebag?