My GFX st00fz

I rarely do GFX but heres my sigs.

the text is bad, but everything else is awesome!

Depth depth depth depth depth depth depth depth depth depth depth depth depth depth.


sort of agree with what he said ^

Not an expert graphic person so can’t explain it good. You have a nice style…but something in your work is missing.

Your focal point leads the eye to something that isn’t there. For example, the one of ezio, it draws your eye to the moon like object, not the actual main part of image. If this is deliberate then I don’t understand at all what you’re trying to do, other than that, it’s good.

The graphics look pretty awesome but it is hard for me to read the text.

Nicely done.

Nice man, can you make me one?

Not bad for a beginner. You really need to work on some aspects of your tags, such as lighting, depth and composition.