My third signature using c4d renders

Hey guys, I made this today, tell me what you think, I got some positive feed back from other sites but I’m not sure. Rate it 1-10 tell me what I did wrong and right, :stuck_out_tongue:

The guy doesn’t really blend into the picture at all :\ I suggest using the selection ‘taper’ or ‘fade’ tools instead of just doing a straight cutout.

I’m going to keep it clean and simple, Ronaldo doesn’t blend and the render is LQ, Personally I don’t like the text but that’s just me. I would suggest watching some tutorials so you can improve.

Thanks for feedback guys. Its appreciated!

Ronnie from The Jersey Shore?

This is Cristiano Ronaldo.

Don’t like it, doesn’t catch my eye
And I don’t like the render

Compared to your other work it’s actually decent. Your getting better :)! 6/10

Thanks :smiley: