Need Help with client and source

the error i get i dont know how to fix…

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
IoAcceptor cannot be resolved to a type
SocketAcceptor cannot be resolved to a type
SocketAcceptorConfig cannot be resolved to a type
SocketAcceptorConfig cannot be resolved to a type
IoAcceptor cannot be resolved to a type
IoAcceptor cannot be resolved to a type

    at server.Server.main(

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skype: sooufaa

if you help me out ill do graphics for you. in return

It doesn’t recognize them as a type.
You’re welcome. I would like a banner, logo and an advertisement picture. Pm me for details.

On a serious note: you didn’t declare them. You cannot just copy paste code to your files and expect it to work.