New site banner

I haven’t taken much care to make a decent site logo, and this isn’t for a RSPS, so nothing runescape related should be in it, that would be the stupidest thing you could do for me.
Dimensions: 900 X 150
Colors: Background of the site is black, so making it brighter would make it stand out, but the head banner shouldn’t be what people are attracted too. Dark shades of red/blue would be awesome. The middle of the site is grey (meaning the site is about 1200 px wide, 900 of it is grey).
Text: Main text needs to be “MyProfile” (.com etc will not be added at this time) Sub-text needs to be “Where You Can Be You” (Think of it like a slogan eh?)

Anything else? Ahh ask me, I’d like the psd if possible, as It will need further tweaking when i buy a domain.

I also have a psd for you. Feel free to pm me if its good enough.

He i made you 1,

[quote=“Clawz Own U, post:3, topic:458881”]He i made you 1,

[/quote]I am pretty sure he wants something with a transparent background because he has a black and red background.

well all i did is try.

[quote=“Clawz Own U, post:3, topic:458881”]He i made you 1,

[/quote][quote=“RiiPiiNFtW, post:2, topic:458881”]

I also have a psd for you. Feel free to pm me if its good enough.[/quote]
Isnt The Slogan: “Where You Can Be You”? :fp:
Looks Epic Tho…


Lol. Good thing i have a psd, can edit.

I horribly failed to notice that you guys made me banners :frowning:
I personally like yours, Riip, if possible can you send me the psd, I’d like to use it :slight_smile:

Yea, of course. Be sure to edit the slogan thingy, ha.

Just pm me with the file, and thanks again for the banner :smiley:

those two are great ones :slight_smile: