Noobscape new rsps

Hey there, me and my friend created a new rsps and we would like for ppl to try it out and enjoy the game. That’s what where here for, to enjoy a environment of good players and have fun moments while playing are favorite game rs ofc, this is a runescape private server it aint the real game though, now to the good part. Me and my rl friend are trying to make the best and comfortable server possible for ppl to enjoy the game and have a blast, if there things we might need to change just tell us that’s what were here for. To make you guys are top priority. I will be posting pictures and videos about the game soon. And its still in a beta stage so they might be glitches and errors just a few minor details that might need work, we are gonna put vote’s for ppl to get rewards and get the server recognized. including a new doner’s place with a lot of profitable items. the server got from boss fights, to mini games, to quest and achievements all working perfectly, weapon specs are 100% working and we got the new armors and prayers working fine, it has dung also witch u can play as a team, dont be scared to check it out it is a free to play server and u can get almost any item in the game but it will need hard work and dedication. anyways dont be scared to contact me or the owner of the server and above all have fun :D. :: is are webpage and to download the client go under recent updates click the client download and ur set. :: for any question regarding the server feel free to ask. :: server status please vote if you liked the server.

No pictures. No nothing?

I won’t burn you for that and I will check it out since my server thread is pretty much the same as yours.

Edit: Can you please tidy the thread, Add at least 5 pictures, video, info about the server and more stuff to make it look nice.

haha yeah im so sorry, its that yesterday we were in the making of the server and fixing all to be clean, we did take pictures but i cant post them for some reason but we are going to do that today, vote, donates, ect… plus pictures and videos, thats all going to come, i just wanted people to get in and comment on the server. its in a beta stage atm so we just need people to see and try it out. im going to make a really decent intro the this big new server thanks for your generosity.

i would like to see some photo from the server…