I was wondering what interface or what class I would need to edit client sided to create a custom smithing class. I’m assuming this would be both client and source sided and sprites would be needed, but I’m unsure where to start or what to look for? So if anyone could provide any guidance, it would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure if this is specifically just a client issue
What do you mean a custom smithing class?
Like making dragonbane armour which is already in the game smithable. As dragonbane ore is already in the game as well, I’ve already made it to where the bars can be smelted, I would just like to make a armour class.
The smithing part is done on the server the same way the other armours are made. If you want a whole interface for it like selecting the armour pieces and stuff, you’ll have to make an interface for it in the client.
Do you know where I could find a list of 667 interface ids?
::interface 0 //Eggs on left of screen
::interface 1 //Sac on bottom right
::interface 2 //Question Marks & Box in Middle
::interface 3 //Vial with question marks coming out of it
::interface 4 //Water Collected/Time Left
::interface 5 //Red/Green bar on top right
::interface 6 //Brimhaven Agility Arena Ticket Exchange (Buy XP, ToadFlax, Wergali, Snapdragon, Pirate's Hook)
::interface 7 //Black screen with text on it
::interface 8 //Dagannoth Island Map
::interface 9 //Rune-Draw
::interface 10 //Windspeed - High
::interface 11 //Bank of RS Deposit Box
::interface 12 //Left side of screen glowing
::interface 13 //PIN Screen
::interface 14 //Bank PIN settings
::interface 15 //Water/Activity Bars
::interface 16 //Message of the Week
::interface 17 //Items Kept on Death{"Wildy"}
::interface 18 //Message of the Week/Blue spikes on bottom of screen
::interface 19 //Message of the Week/Brown ball on bottom of screen
::interface 20 //Message of the Week/Black ball on bottom of screen
::interface 21 //Message of the Week
::interface 22 //Message of the Week with Onion-Ring like thing
::interface 23 //Message of the Week with cannon
::interface 24 //Kill Count %1
::interface 25 //Which is the next shape in the above sequence? Screen
::interface 26 //Book
::interface 27 //Next book page
::interface 28 //Blast Furnace Bar Stock
::interface 29 //Blast Furnace Plan
::interface 30 //Blast Furnace Temp Gauge
::interface 31 //Challenge:Select Game
::interface 32 //Checkersboard
::interface 33 //Message of the Week
::interface 34 //Notes?
::interface 35 //Your Statistics
::interface 36 //Connect Four
::interface 37 //Some game that IDK
::interface 38 //Rescue Scenario
::interface 39 //My Squads
::interface 40 //Game Name
::interface 41 //Nulls 554 client
::interface 42 //Scenario Scores
::interface 43 //RuneSquares
::interface 44 //Game Name
::interface 45 //Formation Options
::interface 46 //Scenarion : Name top right box
::interface 47 //Scenario Selection
::interface 48 //Some weird clock-thingy. It's green
::interface 49 //Book Title
::interface 50 //Brooch
::interface 51 //Choose your path Mort Myre swamp
::interface 52 //What Canoe would you like to make
::interface 53 //Please Select Your Destination Canoe
::interface 54 //Catapault Controls
::interface 55 //Total Wins This Season Sara/Zammy
::interface 56 //Nothing
::interface 57 //Waiting for Players to join the Team
::interface 58 //Castle Wars interface
::interface 59 //Castle Wars interface
::interface 60 //Castle Wars Ticket Exchange
::interface 61 //Name your Cat
::interface 62 //Rocks
::interface 63 //Congratulations! Well done, you defeated the Champion 0 Slay Xp 0 HP Xp
::interface 64 //Line1 Click here to continue
::interface 65 //Line 1 Line 2 click here to continue
::interface 66 //Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Click here to continue
::interface 67 //Line 1 Lune 2 Line 3 Line 4 click here to continue
::interface 68 //Line 1
::interface 69 //Line 1 Line 2
::interface 70 //Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
::interface 71 //Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4
::interface 72 //What would you like to make in the churn? Churn cheese
::interface 73 //What would you like to make in the churn? Churn cheese/Churn butter
::interface 74 //What would you like to make in the churn? Churn cheese/Churn butter/Churn Cream
::interface 75 //Combat Tab On Screen(Axe)
::interface 76 //Combat Tab on Screen(Warhammer)
::interface 77 //Combat Tab on Screen(Bow)
::interface 78 //Combat Tab on Screen(Claws)
::interface 79 //Combat Tab on Screen(Crossbow)
::interface 80 //Combat Tab on Screen(Aim & Fire and Kick)
::interface 81 //Combat Tab on Screen(Swords)
::interface 82 //Combat Tab on Screen(LongSwords)
::interface 83 //Combat Tab on Screen(Pickaxes)
::interface 84 //Combat Tab on Screen(Halberds)
::interface 85 //Combat Tab on Screen(Staffs)
::interface 86 //Combat Tab on Screen(Reapers Staff)
::interface 87 //Combat Tab on Screen(Spear)
::interface 88 //Combat Tab on Screen(Mace)
::interface 89 //Combat Tab on Screen(Sword)
::interface 90 //Combat Tab on Screen(Staff w/ Cast Spell)
::interface 91 //Combat Tab on Screen(Darts)
::interface 92 //Combat Tab on Screen(Unarmed)
::interface 93 //Combat Tab on Screen(Whip)
::interface 94 //Are you sure you want to destroy this object?
::interface 95 //RS Evil Map
::interface 96 //Black-ish Screen
::interface 97 //Dark-ish Screen
::interface 98 //More Dark-ish Screen
::interface 99 //Harold/Player dice. You win!
::interface 100 //Blue-ish Screen
::interface 101 //Scroll with blood on it
::interface 102 //Items Kept on Death
::interface 103 //What comes next? Tomatos
::interface 104 //Star Chart Viewer
::interface 105 //Grand Exchange (dwarf remains)
::interface 106 //Grand Exchange (German text)
::interface 107 //Nothing
::interface 108 //Grand Exchange (German text showing Air Staff)
::interface 109 //Grand Exchange Collection Box
::interface 110 //Grand Exchange (German text highlighting Buy Offer)
::interface 111 //%1 Book
::interface 112 //Some guy's head and Line1
::interface 113 //Map of some sort
::interface 114 //Schematic thing on left side
::interface 115 //Screen blackens
::interface 116 //Title scroll, you can scroll down
::interface 117 //Thunder striking down
::interface 118 //Foggy
::interface 119 //Screen blackens
::interface 120 //Screen Blackens, but slower
::interface 121 //Screen lightens to blue
::interface 122 //Screen lightens to white
::interface 123 //Certificate of Advanced Healing
::interface 124 //List of Fairy Queen's Symptoms
::interface 125 //Amazing Farming Equipment Store
::interface 126 //Store spade, watering can, scarecrow, compost, dibber, secateurs, trowel, buckets, supercompost
::interface 127 //Remove This Key
::interface 128 //Some weird map/junction like thing
::interface 129 //Same as above
::interface 130 //More complex map/junction-like thing
::interface 131 //Line 1 Click here to continue
::interface 132 //Items I need to get for King Roald's Garden
::interface 133 //[A] [B] [C]
::interface 134 //Choose the stat you wish to be advanced
::interface 135 //To the NORTH/EAST/SOUTH/WEST
::interface 136 //Both. ARGH!
::interface 137 //Chatbox appears in screen, everything is typed in x2 letters
::interface 138 //QuickChat on screen
::interface 139 //Gnomeball Score
::interface 140 //Select an Option
::interface 141 //Coffin
::interface 142 //Earth, Water, Arrow, Sword, Fire, Air interface from Horror from the Deep
::interface 143 //Spinning pot
::interface 144 //Points Settings map
::interface 145 //Recipe for Disaster 8 mini quests scroll
::interface 146 //Like looking through cannon
::interface 147 //Puzzle
::interface 148 //Nothing
::interface 149 //Sign Up Request{RS}
::interface 150 //Motorboat on a map and a statue
::interface 151 //Nothing
::interface 152 //Nothing
::interface 153 //Saga Story Player
::interface 154 //What would you like to make? Armour, Gloves, Boots, Vambraces, Chaps, Coif, Cowl
::interface 155 //Mirror
::interface 156 //Lj_Title
::interface 157 //Empty screen
::interface 158 //Black to fog
::interface 159 //A hand
::interface 160 //Dogs and cats
::interface 161 //Assignment tab (Current Points)
::interface 162 //Fog to black
::interface 163 //Learn Tab (Learn how to fletch board arrows/bolts)
::interface 164 //Buy tab (Buy slayer xp, ring of slaying)
::interface 165 //Fog
::interface 166 //Cannonball flying
::interface 167 //Watery view
::interface 168 //Chordion looking at you
::interface 169 //Implings on right
::interface 170 //Black to regular
::interface 171 //Normal to black
::interface 172 //Hand showing some options
::interface 173 //Line 1 click here to continue
::interface 174 //Scroll with lines of text
::interface 175 //Looks like heat
::interface 176 //Black and white box
::interface 177 //White to regular
::interface 178 //Click arrow buttons to move the Taper
::interface 179 //Blue vision
::interface 180 //Nothing
::interface 181 //North East South West rotate mirror
::interface 182 //Click Here to Logout on Screen
::interface 183 //A history of the goblin race
::interface 184 //Is this A) B) C)
::interface 185 //For each column, click the arrows until the middle picture...
::interface 186 //Nothing
::interface 187 //Music Player on screen
::interface 188 //Anti-bot "Dance, cry, Glass Wall, etc. etc.." on screen
::interface 189 //Lock and keys spinning
::interface 190 //Quests tab on screen
::interface 191 //Pick the odd one out
::interface 192 //Modern Magics tab on screen
::interface 193 //Ancient Magics tab on screen
::interface 194 //Alchemy Pizazz Points screen
::interface 195 //Enchantment Pizzaz Points Bonus:
::interface 196 //Graveyard Pizzazz Points
::interface 197 //Mage Training Arena Shop
::interface 198 //Telekinetic Pizzazz Pints
::interface 199 //Hairdresser's Salon
::interface 200 //Ysra's shoe store
::interface 201 //Cash in your points for costume items
::interface 202 //Choose your reward
::interface 203 //Hairdresser's Salon
::interface 204 //Hairdresser's Salon
::interface 205 //Select skin colour and gender
::interface 206 //Price Checker
::interface 207 //Nothing
::interface 208 //Nothing
::interface 209 //Complete the maze as fast as possible!
::interface 210 //Line 1 click here to continue
::interface 211 //Line 1 Line 2 Click here to continue
::interface 212 //Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Click here to continue
::interface 213 //Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Click here to continue
::interface 214 //Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Click here to continue
::interface 215 //Line 1
::interface 216 //Line 1 Line 2
::interface 217 //Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
::interface 218 //Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4
::interface 219 //Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5
::interface 220 //Empty scroll
::interface 221 //Scroll made of rocks
::interface 222 //Empty Scroll
::interface 223 //Pengiun Emotes
::interface 224 //Map of Rellekka, Waterbirth, etc
::interface 225 //Empty scroll made of rocks
::interface 226 //Mud splat
::interface 227 //List of needed items:
::interface 228 //Select an option option1 option2
::interface 229 //Same as above
::interface 230 //Select an option option1 option2 option3
::interface 231 //Same as above
::interface 232 //Select an option option1 option2 option3 option4
::interface 233 //Same as above
::interface 234 //Select an option option1 option2 option3 option4 option5
::interface 235 //Same as above
::interface 236 //Select an option option1 option2
::interface 237 //Select an option option1 option2 option3 option4
::interface 238 //Select an option option1 option2 option3 option4 option5
::interface 239 //Engineer Claus Mousetrap
::interface 240 //That one anti-bot minigame with the twin. Control on left of screen
::interface 241 //Name line1 click here to continue
::interface 242 //Name line1 line2 click here to continue
::interface 243 //Name line1 line2 line3 click here to continue
::interface 244 //Name line1 line2 line3 line4 click here to continue
::interface 245 //Name line1
::interface 246 //Name line1 line2
::interface 247 //Name line1 line2 line3
::interface 248 //Name line1 line2 line3 line4
::interface 249 //Some weird text on screen
::interface 250 //Probably weird text above translated
::interface 251 //Instructions for Beacon Ring
::interface 252 //Keyholes
::interface 253 //A skull puzzle
::interface 254 //A Map
::interface 255 //Empty scroll
::interface 256 //Current Team
::interface 257 //A ball of flash
::interface 258 //Trail rolls by
::interface 259 //Achievements tab on screen
::interface 260 //Cyrisus's Bank
::interface 261 //Optinos tab on screen
::interface 262 //Attach/Detach pipe
::interface 263 //Score:0 with blue screen
::interface 264 //Weird window
::interface 265 //Clan Wars Players: Kills: thing
::interface 266 //Skinny scroll with ---
::interface 267 //Void Knight's Reward Options Pest Control
::interface 268 //Left thing on screen
::interface 269 //Manipulate cog
::interface 270 //Misthalin and Asgarnia map
::interface 271 //Prayer tab on screen
::interface 272 //Saradomin Grave Monument
::interface 273 //Pop the correct animal balloon to find a key
::interface 274 //Instructions for a machine
::interface 275 //Quest scroll
::interface 276 //Experience tab for Soul Wars
::interface 277 //Congratulations! You have completed Death Plateau!
::interface 278 //Ranging Guild Ticket Exchange
::interface 279 //Player's Cat Opponent's Cat Accept Decline
::interface 280 //Do you really want to bet x?
::interface 281 //Cats on top-right of screen
::interface 282 //Play flute scroll
::interface 283 //Same as above
::interface 284 //Mouse on bottom left of screen
::interface 285 //Combinations Lock Door
::interface 286 //Fractional Still
::interface 287 //Barred Window
::interface 288 //Place Room open casket
::interface 289 //Same as above, less squares
::interface 290 //Gears grinding
::interface 291 //Scenario Options
::interface 292 //Squad Contract Management
::interface 293 //Puzzle
::interface 294 //Rum Deal
::interface 295 //Rum Deal
::interface 296 //Lights on Screen
::interface 297 //Bread Lady
::interface 298 //Combination Lock Door
::interface 299 //Map of RS
::interface 300 //Smithing Interface
::interface 301 //Assist XP System Display (You are assisting)
::interface 302 //Empty document with ribbon
::interface 303 //Black screen
::interface 304 //Document that says Save Yourself!
::interface 305 //Black to brown-ish screen
::interface 306 //Hit the red button to discard an item
::interface 307 //Flippers on bottom of screen
::interface 308 //Statue Selection
::interface 309 //Hairdresser's Salon
::interface 310 //Crumble Undead/Wave attacks on screen
::interface 311 //Smelt 1 ... Interface
::interface 312 //Report Abuse info
::interface 313 //Fog
::interface 314 //Select an Option
::interface 315 //Rage Level Bar
::interface 316 //Nothing
::interface 317 //Black screen
::interface 318 //HOLY SHIT the grim reaper comes at you
::interface 319 //Strike/Bolt/Blast/Wave spells on screen
::interface 320 //Stats tab on screen
::interface 321 //Map
::interface 322 //Same as above
::interface 323 //Tai Bwo Wannai Parcel Service
::interface 324 //What hides would you like tanning?
::interface 325 //Target View
::interface 326 //Tele-other Option
::interface 327 //Warning! Cold area
::interface 328 //*Temple Repair*
::interface 329 //Routes Mort Myre Swamp
::interface 330 //Microwave-ish thing
::interface 331 //Whatever you need goes here! Paper
::interface 332 //What would you like to enchant? (Staffs)
::interface 333 //Black screen
::interface 334 //Trade Modified (2nd trade screen)
::interface 335 //Trading with: (1st Screen)
::interface 336 //Nothing
::interface 337-365 //Treasure Hunting Maps and other things
::interface 366 //Trawler Water on Ship bar
::interface 367 //Trawler Catch
::interface 368 //Trawler how to play
::interface 369 //Combination Lock Door
::interface 370 //Snowflakes falling
::interface 371 //Tutorial Island Progress
::interface 372 //Title lines1-6
::interface 373 //Current Champion: TzHaar-Xil-Huz
::interface 374 //North-West, North-East, South-East, South-West, Centre teleport on screen
::interface 375 //Unmorph
::interface 376 //Planet with rings around it
::interface 377 //Tai Bwo Favour
::interface 378 //Welcome to RuneScape! Login Screen
::interface 379 //Time/XP Score with skulls
::interface 380 //Congratulations! You have completed Death Plateau!
::interface 381 //Skull on Player
::interface 382 //Warning! For Wilderness
::interface 383 //Pick a colour
::interface 384 //Empty scroll
::interface 385 //Cracked glass
::interface 386 //Old Man's telescope
::interface 387 //Equipment Tab on screen
::interface 388 //Rush/Burst/Blitz/Barrage Ancients spells on screen
::interface 389 //Grand Exchange search
::interface 390 //Show Riddle
::interface 391 //Kingdom of Miscellania
::interface 392 //Resources Collected
::interface 393 //Keyboard on screen
::interface 394 //Select a piece of furniture to build
::interface 395 //Green star exploding
::interface 396 //Select a piece of furniture to build
::interface 397 //Furniture Creation Menu
::interface 398 //House Options on screen
::interface 399 //There's no place like home... loading screen
::interface 400 //Make teleport tab interface
::interface 401 //PLAYER SHOTS SCORE
::interface 402 //Room Creation Menu
::interface 403 //What wood do you want converting to planks?
::interface 404 //Purple portal thing
::interface 405 //Message of the Week Construction
::interface 406 //Crumble Undead/Claws of Guthix/Wave spells on screen
::interface 407 //Pest Control Departure
::interface 408 //Pest Control In-game
::interface 409 //Choose a tool to use on moving parts
::interface 410 //Catapult Defence Game Key
::interface 411 //Defence Style Catapault Game
::interface 412 //Attack Dummy Key
::interface 413 //Being looked at through scope
::interface 414 //Congratulations! Your team won!
::interface 415 //Mini-game interface, IDK which one
::interface 416 //Craft interface, having to do with Construction
::interface 417 //Take bamboo pipe, bridge section, etc..
::interface 418 //Players Waiting: Next game in
::interface 419 //Buy Bandanas
::interface 420 //Bee Keeper anti-bot
::interface 421 //Lines1-12 scroll-able on screen
::interface 422 //Take box, nothing in it
::interface 423 //Certificate of Advanced Healing
::interface 424 //Weird text
::interface 425 //Some more weird text
::interface 426 //Snowballs falling
::interface 427 //Declaration
::interface 428 //Room 0/8 Level 0
::interface 429 //Choose a Character
::interface 430 //Lunar Tab on Screen
::interface 431 //Ship circling Pirate's Cove
::interface 432 //Enchant Crossbow Bolt
::interface 433 //Crossbow Bolt Pouch
::interface 434 //Gnome Battas
::interface 435 //Gnome Bowls
::interface 436 //Gnome Cocktails
::interface 437 //Gnome Crunchies
::interface 438 //Silver Casting
::interface 439 //Map, 2 flags going towards eachother
::interface 440 //Certificate of Qualification Level 1
::interface 441 //Certificate of Qualification Level 2
::interface 442 //Hand showing exchange thing
::interface 443 //Boxes stacked up
::interface 444 //Certificate of Qualification Level 3
::interface 445 //Click here to Continue Visit the Website
::interface 446 //What would you like to make? (Rings, Necklaces, Amulets, Bracelets)
::interface 447 //Message of the Week Blue PHat on bottom of screen
::interface 448 //Green-ish screen
::interface 449 //Item Information
::interface 450 //Light shining
::interface 451 //option1-2
::interface 452 //Statue Holding Key
::interface 453 //Black screen
::interface 454-457 //Maps
::interface 458 //option1-3
::interface 459 //What would you like to Spin?
::interface 460 //Green-ish screen
::interface 461 //Map of Fishing Platform & surroundings
::interface 462 //Show/Select Piece1-3
::interface 463 //Quest Completion Blank
::interface 464 //Emote Tab on Screen
::interface 465 //Newspaper flies at you, fairies cut red string
::interface 466 //Instructions maybe
::interface 467 //Empty box
::interface 468 //Diango Item Return
::interface 469 //RuneScape semi-map
::interface 470 //Picture
::interface 471 //Balloon Controls
::interface 472 //More Ballon Things
::interface 473 //Short Fuse on screen
::interface 474 //Scorch, Flare, Blaze on screen
::interface 475 //Short fuse on screen
::interface 476 //Scorch, Flare, Blaze on screen
::interface 477 //Custom Fur Clothing
::interface 478 //Imp Release Negotiation Form
::interface 479 //Map of some sort
::interface 480 //Ava's Accumulator instructions
::interface 481 //Level -2 Wildy
::interface 482 //Snow falling diagonally
::interface 483 //Blue-ish screen
::interface 484 //Horn of Glory
::interface 485 //Wave 1 of Eggs defend
::interface 486 //Wave 1 of Eggs attack
::interface 487 //Wave 1 of Eggs heal
::interface 488 //Wave 1 of Eggs poison
::interface 489 //#Players in Room of egg thing
::interface 490 //Player status for Egg thing
::interface 491 //Barbarian Assault Rewards
::interface 492 //Player 1 Interface Screen
::interface 493 //Player 2 Interface Screen
::interface 494 //Time until next wave: XX
::interface 495 //Barbarian Assault Poison, Explosion, Stun
::interface 496 //Tutorial Progress
::interface 497 //Wave Complete!
::interface 498 //Kaleef Mission
::interface 499 //Members Only skill
::interface 500 //Troll Invasion HP with details
::interface 501 //Something with cannons and a box
::interface 502 //Something with rope and a box
::interface 503 //Clockwork Toys Chapter 1
::interface 504 //Gray planks on top and bottom of screen
::interface 505 //Map of Relekka, surroundings
::interface 506 //Jester Controls
::interface 507 //Keyboard on screen
::interface 508 //The Mind of Homunculus!
::interface 509 //A puzzle or something
::interface 510 //Level 2 of that puzzle
::interface 511 //Level 3 of that puzzle
::interface 512 //Nothing
::interface 513 //Null click the object to see more options
::interface 514 //Cat playing with ball
::interface 515 //Green-ish screen
::interface 516 //Black Screen
::interface 517 //Nothing
::interface 518 //Follower Inv
::interface 519 //Click here to Continue
::interface 520 //Cyrisus's Courage
::interface 521 //Guidance System
::interface 522 //Monster Name line1-4
::interface 523 //Stat Spy on screen
::interface 524 //Text text
::interface 525 //This is an interface 1/2
::interface 526 //This is an interface 1/1
::interface 527 //Gnome Glider 5th age
::interface 528 //Black screen, text
::interface 529 //This is an interface 2/1
::interface 530 //Text text book
::interface 531 //V.J.A.M.
::interface 532 //Museum Kudos:
::interface 533 //Black Screen Display Number 03
::interface 534 //Black Screen Display Number 03 text
::interface 535 //Piano
::interface 536 //Shrink-Me-Quick Recipe
::interface 537 //Piano keys
::interface 538 //Things to do:
::interface 539 //Nothing
::interface 540 //Elnock's Exchange
::interface 541 //Screen goes black
::interface 542 //What would you like to make? Beer glass, etc...
::interface 543 //Clouds and thunder
::interface 544 //Boat going to island
::interface 545 //Green Dragon flying by
::interface 546 //Green Dragon flying
::interface 547 //Map
::interface 548 //Player Default Screen
::interface 549 //Photo Booth
::interface 550 //Friends List Tab on screen
::interface 551 //Ignore List Tab on screen
::interface 552 //Look at stars through telescope
::interface 553 //Book title line1-23
::interface 554 //Select an Option
::interface 555 //Select an Option
::interface 556 //Select an Option option1-2
::interface 557 //Zoom in on grass around Edge bank
::interface 558 //Zoom in on grass around Edge bank
::interface 559 //Select tomato
::interface 560 //Warning to low lvl players about spiders and goblins
::interface 561 //Kalphite Queen Warning
::interface 562 //Very dark area Warning
::interface 563 //Entering Building mode warning
::interface 564 //Warning for archers on top of tower
::interface 565 //High temperatures, robbers, etc warnings
::interface 566 //Do I need to collect any dropped items? Warning
::interface 567 //Very dark - you sure you wanna go in w/o light source? Warning
::interface 568 //Very dark - don't extinguish light source Warning
::interface 569 //Very Dark - sure you wanna go in w/o light source? Warning
::interface 570 //Very dark cave warning
::interface 571 //Tunnel is very dark warning
::interface 572 //Light source goes out warning
::interface 573 //Run past but dangerous area follows warning
::interface 574 //Very dangerous area warning
::interface 575 //Portals with question marks map
::interface 576 //This way leads one way, to Wildy warning
::interface 577 //Tunnel very dark warning
::interface 578 //Fairy Ring code leads to dark area warning
::interface 579 //Sure you want to climb down warning
::interface 580 //Mort Myre warning
::interface 581 //Death Plateau warning
::interface 582 //Shows grass around Edge bank
::interface 583 //Reset warning messages
::interface 584 //Statue unmelting into king
::interface 585 //Wizard climbing through window
::interface 586 //Change of Address from Seers Village
::interface 587 //Meet at Camel
::interface 588 //Tumbler thing
::interface 589 //Clan Chat Tab on Screen
::interface 590 //Clan Chat Setup
::interface 591 //BH Target
::interface 592 //Clan Chan Setup
::interface 593 //Report Abuse
::interface 594 //Report Abuse
::interface 595 //Rebuilding the Mummy
::interface 596 //Scroll trade-in
::interface 597 //GodWars Dungeon KillCount Dark
::interface 598 //GodWars Dungeon KillCount Lighter
::interface 599 //GodWars Dungeon KillCount Lighter
::interface 600 //This way Leads into Wilderness Warning
::interface 601 //GodWars Dungeon KillCount Normal
::interface 602 //Nothing
::interface 603 //Hand with {"?"} Item GIF
::interface 604 //3 Flags on Map
::interface 605 //Microwave-like vision
::interface 606 //Thing in hand opening
::interface 607 //Pasting poster on board
::interface 608 //A tree slowly spinning
::interface 609 //Removing poster
::interface 610 //Black screen slides over
::interface 611 //Posters
::interface 612 //Posters
::interface 613 //Jukebox
::interface 614 //Posters on boards
::interface 615 //Gnome King coming closer
::interface 616 //3 flags on map
::interface 617 //Bolrie's Diary
::interface 618 //One Poster on Board
::interface 619 //Pay Bank Charge With... Runes
::interface 620 //Lowe's Archery Emporium
::interface 621 //Two Player icons with HP
::interface 622 //Message of the Week
::interface 623 //Message of the Week
::interface 624 //Fairy Ring Power Delay
::interface 625 //Select your Goblin
::interface 626 //Are you sure you want to fight this duel?
::interface 627 //Warning! Duelling is an honorable pasttime...
::interface 628 //Nothing
::interface 629 //Tournament Value
::interface 630 //Jukebox thing
::interface 631 //Duel screen
::interface 632 //Duel scoreboard
::interface 633 //You are victorious!
::interface 634 //You are victorious!
::interface 635 //Tournament
::interface 636 //Upcoming tournament rules
::interface 637 //Dueling with: screen
::interface 638 //Dueling Tournament Axe
::interface 639 //Are you sure you want to fight this duel?
::interface 640 //Friendly duel Staked Duel option
::interface 641 //Style: Options:
::interface 642 //Common Item Costs
::interface 643 //Item Back History
::interface 644 //Nothing
::interface 645 //Grand Exchange Item Sets
::interface 646 //Step 4: Grand Exchange
::interface 647 //Party Room Items Being Dropped
::interface 648 //Nothing
::interface 649 //Teleports to NE, SW, NW, SE, Centre On Screen
::interface 650 //The Beasts's Warning
::interface 651 //The beast
::interface 652 //Gravestones
::interface 653 //Investment Grand Exchange
::interface 654 //Purchase Special Units
::interface 655 //Scenario Selection
::interface 656 //Nothing
::interface 657 //Scenario Investment Options
::interface 658 //Select a Snowman Hat
::interface 659 //SnowGlobe
::interface 660 //White around middle of screen
::interface 661 //The runes must be in sets of 3 document
::interface 662 //Summoning Tab on Screen
::interface 663 //Summoned Tab on Screen
::interface 664 //Staff Summon on Screen
::interface 665 //Nothing
::interface 666 //Scroll Creation
::interface 667 //Equip your character...
::interface 668 //Pick a Puppy
::interface 669 //Summoning Pouch Creation
::interface 670 //Inventory items overview
::interface 671 //Familiar Inventory
::interface 672 //Summoning Pouch Creation
::interface 673 //Scroll Creation
::interface 674 //Pressure Gauge
::interface 675 //What would you like to make? Rings, Amulets, etc..
::interface 676 //Dangers and death is more than possibility warning
::interface 677 //Dangers and death is more than possibility warning
::interface 678 //Dangers and death is more than possibility warning
::interface 679 //Message of the week
::interface 680 //Tooth pointing up at middle of screen
::interface 681 //Catapault
::interface 682 //Counterweight/Direction
::interface 683 //More catapault things
::interface 684 //Watch out for rabbits
::interface 685 //Farmer Blinkin's Vinesweeper Instructions
::interface 686 //Mrs. Winkin's World of Seeds
::interface 687 //Use a spade to dig/puzzle
::interface 688 //Points/XP document
::interface 689 //Points:0 In top right
::interface 690 //Farmers wander area document
::interface 691 //Goblins coming out of ground
::interface 692 //Bork goblin close-up
::interface 693 //Congratulations you have slain Bork!
::interface 694 //Player Safety Test
::interface 695 //Report Abuse instructions
::interface 696 //Player Safety Test
::interface 697 //Player Safety Test
::interface 698 //Report Abuse Instructions
::interface 699 //Player Safety Test
::interface 700 //KGP BIC
::interface 701 //Report Abuse Instructions
::interface 702 //Report Abuse Instructions
::interface 703 //Report Abuse Instructions
::interface 704 //Player Safety Test
::interface 705 //Player Safety Test
::interface 706 //Report Abuse Instructions
::interface 707 //Player Safety Test
::interface 708 //Player Safety Test
::interface 709 //End of Safety Exam 101
::interface 710 //Player Safety Test
::interface 711 //Report Abuse Instructions
::interface 712 //Dear Friend document
::interface 713 //Black screen lightening as it gets to middle
::interface 714 //Nothing
::interface 715 //Message of the week Easter Eggs
::interface 716 //Chocatrice on screen
::interface 717 //Add-Coal Add-Water gauge
::interface 718 //Select an Option option1-2
::interface 719 //Operating your Incubator
::interface 720 //Here, the player will see an interface anim of the chocatrice hatching
::interface 721 //Some kind of machine
::interface 722 //Yellow on left of screen
::interface 723 //Mysteries of the Mahjarrat subquests
::interface 724 //Monster trapped in ice
::interface 725 //Reinald's Smithing Emporium
::interface 726 //Empty Scroll
::interface 727 //Map of Waterbirth Island and surroundings
::interface 728 //Ysra's Shoe Store
::interface 729 //Thessalia's Makeovers
::interface 730 //Fist of Guthix Interface
::interface 731 //FoG The following item is not allowed in arena
::interface 732 //FoG Reward Shop
::interface 733 //Ivandis Flail document
::interface 734 //Choose a combination
::interface 735 //Travel Log on screen
::interface 736 //Dragons hatching
::interface 737 //Pick a kitten
::interface 738 //Tok-Xil-Im, Tok-Ket-Hurt, TokJal-Hurt
::interface 739 //TzHaar Numbers
::interface 740 //Open your stats and click on flashing icon for more info
::interface 741 //Congratulations! Empty
::interface 742 //Graphic Options
::interface 743 //Audio Options
::interface 744 //LogIn Screen
::interface 745 //Nothing
::interface 746 //Dc - Error
::interface 747 //Nothing
::interface 748 //HP on top-left of screen
::interface 749 //Prayer on top-left of screen
::interface 750 //Run on top-left of screen
::interface 751 //Chatbox options on top of screen
::interface 752 //Chatbox on screen
::interface 753 //Black Screen
::interface 754 //Nothing
::interface 755 //Loading Map Screen (Crashes Client)
::interface 756 //Draughts: Options
::interface 757 //Name line1 Click to Continue
::interface 758 //You journey to the canoe...
::interface 759 //Accept this Display Mode?
::interface 760 //Paw Print in Sand
::interface 761 //Sir Vant's Requests
::interface 762 //Bank of RuneScape
::interface 763 //Items in Inventory{Unclickable}
::interface 764 //RuneScape MiniMap Key
::interface 765 //Gauge
::interface 766 //Oh Dear, You Are Dead!.. But Don't worry!
::interface 767 //Bank of RuneScape Help
::interface 768 //Daughts Rank:1%
::interface 769 //Game Name
::interface 770 //Squad Recruitment
::interface 771 //::Char screen
::interface 772 //Returned Items:
::interface 773 //Runes flying around a green mage
::interface 774 //Where do you want to rub the key?
::interface 775 //White screen to ghostly screen
::interface 776 //Ghostly screen to white screen
::interface 777 //Black screen to orangey screen
::interface 778 //Normal Screen
::interface 779 //RuneCrafting Guild Rewards
::interface 780 //RuneScape Map
::interface 781 //Waiting for players to join..
::interface 782 //Comet flying through space
::interface 783 //Circus Emotes on Screen
::interface 784 //Nothing
::interface 785 //Circus Rewards
::interface 786 //Performance Equipment
::interface 787 //Landing Time: Discovered By:
::interface 788 //Circus Performance Scoreboard
::interface 789 //Nothing
::interface 790 //Empty Scroll
::interface 791 //Mini-Game Interface, looks badass
::interface 792 //Game overview
::interface 793 //Free-For-All (Safe) Warning
::interface 794 //Book
::interface 795 //Black screen
::interface 796 //Ghost in white background
::interface 797 //Ancient Magics Attack Spells on Screen
::interface 798 //WARNING you are carrying a lot of items
::interface 799 //Various pens
::interface 800 //Message of the Week
::interface 801 //Quick Chat Restriction
::interface 802 //Score: 0
::interface 803 //Nothing
::interface 804 //You 0 Combat Levels 0 Skilling Levels
::interface 805 //Giving Items To:
::interface 806 //Remaining Clay
::interface 807 //Nothing
::interface 808 //Yellow screen
::interface 809 //Score: 0 19:52
::interface 810 //The Winner Takes Victory!
::interface 811 //Stealing Creation Reward Shop
::interface 812 //Clan Leader: You have no clan leader
::interface 813 //Creation Kiln
::interface 814 //While Guthix Sleeps Chapter 2
::interface 815 //The stone circle...
::interface 816 //Being looked at through telescope
::interface 817 //Weird vault or something
::interface 818 //Wall on left of screen
::interface 819 //Poster of some evil guy
::interface 820 //Papers
::interface 821 //Crazy spinning circle
::interface 822 //While Guthix Sleeps Chapter 3
::interface 823 //Opened thing in hand
::interface 824 //Screen fades out
::interface 825 //Gears on left of screen
::interface 826 //While Guthix Sleeps Chapter 1
::interface 827 //Grim Reaper laughing
::interface 828 //Papers with gray on them
::interface 829 //Further Access Prohibited
::interface 830 //Gray on ice
::interface 831 //Gray on ice
::interface 832 //Gray on ice
::interface 833 //Gray on ice
::interface 834 //Soul Wars Interface
::interface 835 //Click here to continue
::interface 836 //Soul Wars Interface 2
::interface 837 //Players Needed Soul Wars
::interface 838 //Empty interface with scroll bars
::interface 839 //Nothing
::interface 840 //Forfeit Game on screen
::interface 841 //Nothing
::interface 842 //Kicks player
::interface 843 //Squad Contract
::interface 844 //Resource Locator
::interface 845 //Special Unit Contract
::interface 846 //Click here to continue
::interface 847 //Siege-Scenario
::interface 848 //Spoils of War
::interface 849 //Scenario Options
::interface 850 //Welcome to Mobilising Armies
::interface 851 //Mobilising Armies ScoreBoard
::interface 852 //Scenario Investment Options
::interface 853 //Camera on screen
::interface 854 //Extra Lessons
::interface 855 //Special Units on screen
::interface 856 //Name
::interface 857 //Show BreakDown
::interface 858 //Conflict Scenario
::interface 859 //Squad Commands
::interface 860 //Commodities
::interface 861 //Hord Scenario
::interface 862 //Investment Grand Exchange
::interface 863 //Squad Recruitment
::interface 864 //Spirit Tree
::interface 865 //Prefixes on screen
::interface 866 //Some kinda code
::interface 867 //Empty, old document
::interface 868 //Questname
::interface 869 //Ghostly fog
::interface 870 //Black screen to ghostly fog
::interface 871 //Ghostly fog to black screen
::interface 872 //Old, empty document
::interface 873 //Old, empty document
::interface 874 //Old, round, empty document
::interface 875 //Ghostly fog
::interface 876 //Ghostly fog and black in middle
::interface 877 //Insert what you wish here:
::interface 878 //Nothing
::interface 879 //Pet House~
::interface 880 //Follower Details/Spec Attack/Attack/etc.
::interface 881 //Nothing
::interface 882 //Graphics Options
::interface 883 //Accept this Setting?
::interface 884 //Combat tab on Screen
::interface 885 //Common Item Costs *type*
::interface 886 //Close screen to stop viewing
::interface 887 //Take various colored stones
::interface 888 //Screen moves by itself
::interface 889 //Map of White Wolf Mountain/GE
::interface 890 //null Right-click for more options
::interface 891 //Artisans Workshop map
inter 892 (warning message)
inter 893 (fungal storage)
inter 894 (storable items)
inter 895 (ancient scales {Place Tokkuls}
inter 896 (Nothing)
inter 897 (Controls)
inter 898 (Please follow the instructions below)
inter 899 (Nothing)
inter 900 (Skin Color)
inter 901 (Sawmill Job Board)
inter 902 (What cuts would you like to make?)
inter 903 (Contents of the cart)
inter 904 (Game Name)
inter 905 (Slide Option Blank Box)
inter 906 (Nothing)
inter 907 (Lobby {Last Logged in})
inter 908 (Nothing)
inter 909 (Lobby {Friends List + Ignore List})
inter 910 (Lobby {Selecting a world})
inter 911 (Lobby {Volume Options})
inter 912 (Lobby {Clan Chat Channel})
inter 913 (Lobby {Ignore Player Option})
inter 914 (Lobby {Report Player})
inter 915 (Report:Select Offence)
inter 916 (Slide-out screen: "All" option)
inter 917 (Task list)
inter 918 (Date of birth entry)
inter 919 (Fish details e.g. Caught)
inter 920 (Nothing)
inter 921 (Fish Flingers History)
inter 922 (Competition Results)
inter 923 (Fishing Equipment)
inter 924 (Tackle Box)
inter 925 (Fish Flingers Reward Shop)
inter 926 (Colour Wheel)
inter 927 (Game Over)
inter 928 (Factory management help)
inter 929 (End of turn report)
inter 930 (Factory management help)
inter 931 (Management planning)
inter 932 (Conveyer Belt in factory)
inter 933 (Dungeoneering Finish with gained xp)
inter 934 (Smithing)
inter 935 (Dungeon completed!)
inter 936 (Other player dungeon stats)
inter 937 (Book Title)
inter 938 (Select complexity)
inter 939 (Party details)
inter 940 (Daemonheim rewards)
inter 941 (What would you like to smelt?)
inter 942 (Blank teared paper)
inter 943 (Blank Newspaper-style box)
inter 944 (Choose a resource)
inter 945 (Deaths in dungeoneering)
inter 946 (Other player dungeon summoning details)
inter 947 (Select Floor)
inter 948 (Dungeon journal)
inter 949 (Dungeon Party invitation)
inter 950 (Magic options with teleports for dungeoneering)
inter 951 (Event title)
inter 952 (Bind items - select)
inter 953 (Other player dungeon inventory)
inter 954 (Other player dungeon worn equipment)
inter 955 (Custom Home screen Loading...)
inter 956 (Shop)
inter 957 (Nothing)
inter 958 (Book Title)
inter 959 (Book Title)
inter 960 (Book Title)
inter 961 (GIF image rays of light moving)
inter 962 (ROTM)
inter 963 (Screen Fades)
inter 964 (Another ROTM)
inter 965 (Blank White Screen)
inter 966 (Rotm)
inter 967 (Transparent rays of light)
inter 968 (Transparent rays of light)
inter 969 (Blank Screen)
inter 970 (Npc clipped as an image box)
inter 971 (ROTM)
inter 972 (Book details for ROTM)
inter 973 (Two Npc's colour hp bar?)
inter 974 (Zanaris Needs you)
inter 975 (Play Game - {"RS"})
inter 976 (auto setup button- client)
inter 977 (settings)
inter 978 (settings)
inter 979 (report:select player)
inter 980 (Powered:Unpowered)
inter 981 (change view - overview {works})
inter 982 (chat setup)
inter 983 (purple orbs view)
inter 984 (old chatbox)
inter 985 (red/bluw team scores)
inter 986 (Confirm match)
inter 987 (choose a jury member)
inter 988 (toll:0/15)
inter 989 (ruined boat)
inter 990 (nothing)
inter 991 (destination node)
inter 992 (old mage details)
inter 993 (Ring of kinship: customisation)
inter 994 (select autogrouping floor)
inter 995 (start room modifications)
inter 996 (north sign with arrow)
inter 997 (north sign with arrow)
inter 998 (box with squares)
inter 999 (book shop)
inter 1000 (match runes)
inter 1001 (Treasure trails - Cletic Knots)
inter 1002 (Treasure trails - Cletic Knots)
inter 1003 (Treasure trails - Cletic Knots)
inter 1004 (A void dance - ****ysing the goo)
inter 1005 (A void dance - clue location)
inter 1006 (Herbicide Settings)
inter 1007 (Statue collection bag)
inter 1008 (Truce Offer, Accept/Decline)
inter 1009 (Conquest Minigame - Ranking)
inter 1010 (Conquest Minigame - Options on Phases)
inter 1011 (Commendation Rewards)
inter 1012 (Troop Details)
inter 1013 (Black screen fading)
inter 1014 (Yellow screen fading)
inter 1015 (Squad Selection)
inter 1016 (Conquest Time Options)
inter 1017 (Squad Formation)
inter 1018 (Chat interface)
inter 1019 (Diplomacy Truce Resign/Offer Option)
inter 1020 (Chat Interface)
inter 1021 (Confirm Conquest Time options)
inter 1022 (Conquest Player's Stake Options)
inter 1023 (Confirm Player's Stake Options)
inter 1024 (Command Points)
inter 1025 (Black Interface)
inter 1026 (Select Challenge type - regular/staked conquest)
inter 1027 (Opponent Logged out conquest interface)
inter 1028 (choose your character login)
inter 1079 (controls interface)
inter 1083 (rewards interface)
inter 1093 (invitation to start a clan)
inter 1096 (inside the clan interface)
inter 1105 (clan motif designer)
inter 1106 (color to choose for clan motif designing)
inter 1126 (temple trekking interface)
inter 1128 (stealing creations reward shop)
inter 1133 (vampire hp interface)
inter 1139 (squeal of fortune game tab interface)
inter 1143 (loyalty emotes interface shop)
inter 1167 (decide your handicap)
inter 1168 (class dominion bosses interface)
inter 1170 (sunfreet and other special bosses interface)
inter 1178 (toolbelt - working)
inter 1183 (destroy this item)
inter 1184-1201 (new interfaces with wave(s) interface)
inter 1214 (enabling different counters with xp button like xp sprite or other skill sprites)
inter 1225 (new login message)
inter 1231 (subscribe message)
inter 1216 (new level up icon)
inter 1218 (skills details interface)
inter 1243 (quest details interface)
inter 1244 (new finished quest interface)
inter 1246 (egg hatch interface - fight kiln quest)
inter 1247 (attacks for the fight kiln quest)
inter 1252 (squeal of fortune button in game)
inter 1253 (squeal of fortune interface)
inter 1254 (logout alert)
inter 1255 (logging out interface)
inter 1256 (logout request)
inter 1263 (xp interface)
inter 1270 (hunt for the memories interface)
inter 1273 (wicked hood loyalty interface)
inter 1278 (blue smoke effect around screen)
inter 1279 (white smoke effect around screen)
inter 1280 (light blue smoke effect around screen)
inter 1281 (brown-ish smoke effect around screen)
inter 1282 (green smoke effect around screen)
inter 1283 (re-colour gear set interface)
inter 1284 (reward chest dtower interface)
inter 1285 (qbd hp fade screen and bright interface)
inter 1292 (crucible enter interface)
inter 1294 (crucible key interface)
inter 1295 (crucible lessons interface)
inter 1296 (crucible target interface)
inter 1297 (crucible rewards interface)
inter 1298 (crucible bounty interface)
inter 1306 (furniture to build interface)
inter 1307 (bronze rewards etc..atheletes stuff)
inter 1308 (slayer shop and information)
inter 1309 (co-op slayer interface to invite other player)
inter 1310 (invitation to a slayer group{accept/decline})
inter 1311 (looking at the new general store shop emotes etc)
inter 1312 (choose your motto)
inter 1313 (Solomon's general store visit interface)
inter 1314 (quest points/combat level/hit points showing all skills of the player)
inter 1315 (re-color gear)
inter 1316 (blank interface)
inter 1317 (bronze rewards etc..atheletes stuff)
inter 1318 (number "3" showing for the resource race)
inter 1319 (fire red scroll blank)
inter 1320 (blank interface with continue button)
inter 1321 (grab the gold advert interface)
inter 1322 (sizzling summer)
inter 1323 (battlefish player vs enemy)
inter 1324 (game setup interface)
inter 1325 (showing some blue histogram bars - some like it cold quest)
inter 1326 (some like it cold quest stats)
inter 1327 (some like it cold - repair pressure gauge)
inter 1328 (animation of a castle blowing up)
inter 1329 (psych evaluation)
inter 1330 (Balthazar Beauregard's Big Top Bonanza Tricks)
inter 1331 (blank note interface)
inter 1332 (clan avatar stats)
inter 1333 (avatar buff select)
inter 1334 (clan avatar buff slots)
inter 1335 (shipwrecker trident advertise interface)
inter 1336 (double spins - weekend only interface)
inter 1337 (blank interface with "visit stor" button)
inter 1338 (no interface)
inter 1339 (a paper news style design)
inter 1340 (reward shop)
inter 1341 (time with bar on left - some new quest?)
inter 1342 (sizzling summer - earned 350k bonus xp)
inter 1343 (daily challenge interface)
inter 1344 (selecting a minigame interface)
inter 1345 (dc'es game)
inter 1346 (dc'es game)
inter 1347 (dc'es game)
inter 1348 (judgement day - choose death by... botany bay)
inter 1349 (blank noted interface)
inter 1350 (membership advertisement)
inter 1351 (Stolen Hearts quest puzzle)
inter 1352 (no interface)
inter 1353 (red coloured interface)
inter 1354 (rotate-gnomon)
inter 1355 (some star flash animation?)
inter 1356 (no interface)
inter 1357 (sizzling summer advertisement)
inter 1358 (fate cards)
inter 1359 (sizzling summer advertisement)
inter 1360 (choose a person - festival of the dead)
inter 1361 (king black dragon's new artifact teleport warning)
inter 1362 (Duel arena icon)
inter 1363 (Done button on-screen)
inter 1364 (Last 50 matches)
inter 1365 (Duel arena: You were defeated)
inter 1366 (Duel arena: during/before the duel)
inter 1367 (Duel arena stake)
inter 1368 (Nothing)
inter 1369 (Duel challenge)
inter 1370 (Nulls)