Hey guys,
I have been trying to add 508+ maps into my PI Refactored client for 3 days now… I have followed every tutorial there is and went through all the code as thoroughly as I can and I think I can conclude that the problem may be with Tom’s Cache suite rather than the code and models themselves.
The best and most efficient guide I followed on doing this was Galkon’s Index Repacking snippet. I redid this one alone at least 5 times and I keep getting the same problem.
I always end up with:
Error: loaderror Requesting maps 75
I only end up with this error if I repack anything in my cache using Tom’s suite, but I need to repack the following in order for it to work:
And I don’t know if the files I’m using are corrupt, or if Tom’s suite is just messing the thing up.
My cache size is 63.3 megabytes and I was wondering if it just may be too big for the suite as I’ve seen other people say.
Would anyone know what to do??
EDIT: I just repacked my cache with my old files:
and it loaded the old data just fine, but I still ended up with:
This output is being generated because of this:
class32.aBoolean575 = byte0 != 0;
System.out.println("PANIC! RANDOMISED BLOCK!");
And because the names of the variables are not really helpful I am still searching through tons of files and methods trying to figure out what the problem is. Does anyone know why this is happening?
Update: I have tried manually repacking the models by creating a command in client.java:
for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
Now the models are packing but when I go to any place that has any models (any place that isnt all black)
The client crashes and I end up with this:
Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 16433
at ObjectDef.forID(ObjectDef.java:14)
at ObjectManager.method189(ObjectManager.java:1334)
at client.method54(client.java:2790)
at client.loadingStages(client.java:2761)
at client.mainGameProcessor(client.java:3238)
at client.processGameLoop(client.java:2365)
at RSApplet.run(RSApplet.java:101)
at client.run(client.java:4829)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
I believe this may be happening because the models might be too high in number but in the guide that Galkon made, I followed the snippet to make my cache size unlimited so I don’t know why I would get this error.
Update: Still stuck. WTF!!!
Update: I might just delete my whole fucking client rn. How tf is this possible