[PI] 525 Minimap Help!

The picture above shows how there is a white space that just doesn’t load. I checked the Sprite and I have ripped the sprite from other clients that have it working and still no luck.

I had the old 317 RS Gameframe from a clean PI client but now after I followed this tutorial: http://www.rune-server.org/runescape-development/rs2-client/tutorials/458411-pi-adding-525-gameframe-orbs.html

This is the only problem I’m having.

Any help please?

here is the drawminimap method:

[CODE] private void drawMinimap() {
if(anInt1021 == 2) {
byte abyte0[] = mapBack.aByteArray1450;
int ai[] = DrawingArea.pixels;
int k2 = abyte0.length;
for(int i5 = 0; i5 < k2; i5++)
if(abyte0[i5] == 0)
ai[i5] = 0;
compass.method352(33, minimapInt1, anIntArray1057, 256, anIntArray968, 25, 8, 8, 33, 25);
int i = minimapInt1 + minimapInt2 & 0x7ff;
int j = 48 + myPlayer.x / 32;
int l2 = 464 - myPlayer.y / 32;
for (int x = 0; x < anIntArray1229.length; x++){
anIntArray1229[x] = 170;
anIntArray1052[x] = -23;
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1_1263.method352(151, i, anIntArray1229, 256 + minimapInt3, anIntArray1052, l2, 10, 45, 146, j);
compass.method352(33, minimapInt1, anIntArray1057, 256, anIntArray968, 25, 8, 8, 33, 25);
for(int j5 = 0; j5 < anInt1071; j5++) {
int k = (anIntArray1072[j5] * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.x / 32;
int i3 = (anIntArray1073[j5] * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.y / 32;
markMinimap(aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1140[j5], k, i3);

	for(int k5 = 0; k5 < 104; k5++) {
		for(int l5 = 0; l5 < 104; l5++) {
			NodeList class19 = groundArray[plane][k5][l5];
			if(class19 != null) {
				int l = (k5 * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.x / 32;
				int j3 = (l5 * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.y / 32;
				markMinimap(mapDotItem, l, j3);

	for(int i6 = 0; i6 < npcCount; i6++) {
		NPC npc = npcArray[npcIndices[i6]];
		if(npc != null && npc.isVisible()) {
			EntityDef entityDef = npc.desc;
			if(entityDef.childrenIDs != null)
				entityDef = entityDef.method161();
			if(entityDef != null && entityDef.aBoolean87 && entityDef.aBoolean84) {
				int i1 = npc.x / 32 - myPlayer.x / 32;
				int k3 = npc.y / 32 - myPlayer.y / 32;
				markMinimap(mapDotNPC, i1, k3);

	for(int j6 = 0; j6 < playerCount; j6++) {
		Player player = playerArray[playerIndices[j6]];
		if(player != null && player.isVisible()) {
			int j1 = player.x / 32 - myPlayer.x / 32;
			int l3 = player.y / 32 - myPlayer.y / 32;
			boolean flag1 = false;
			long l6 = TextClass.longForName(player.name);
			for(int k6 = 0; k6 < friendsCount; k6++) {
				if(l6 != friendsListAsLongs[k6] || friendsNodeIDs[k6] == 0)
				flag1 = true;
			boolean flag2 = false;
			if(myPlayer.team != 0 && player.team != 0 && myPlayer.team == player.team)
				flag2 = true;
				markMinimap(mapDotFriend, j1, l3);
				markMinimap(mapDotPlayer, j1, l3);

	if(anInt855 != 0 && loopCycle % 20 < 10) {
		if(anInt855 == 1 && anInt1222 >= 0 && anInt1222 < npcArray.length) {
				NPC class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1_1 = npcArray[anInt1222];
				if(class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1_1 != null)
					int k1 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1_1.x / 32 - myPlayer.x / 32;
					int i4 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1_1.y / 32 - myPlayer.y / 32;
					method81(mapMarker, i4, k1);
		if(anInt855 == 2) {
			int l1 = ((anInt934 - baseX) * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.x / 32;
			int j4 = ((anInt935 - baseY) * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.y / 32;
			method81(mapMarker, j4, l1);
		if(anInt855 == 10 && anInt933 >= 0 && anInt933 < playerArray.length)
			Player class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub2_1 = playerArray[anInt933];
			if(class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub2_1 != null) {
				int i2 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub2_1.x / 32 - myPlayer.x / 32;
				int k4 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub2_1.y / 32 - myPlayer.y / 32;
				method81(mapMarker, k4, i2);
	if(destX != 0) {
		int j2 = (destX * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.x / 32;
		int l4 = (destY * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.y / 32;
		markMinimap(mapFlag, j2, l4);
	DrawingArea.drawPixels(3, 78+5, 97+20, 0xffffff, 3);
	mapArea.drawSprite(0, 0);

Going to take a chance here and say:
A) The sprite is too small.
B) The sprite is not positioned correctly.

Don’t need the drawMinimap method, need the code that draws that map background sprite.

Update: The drawMinimap method isn’t a problem… I have no idea what is causing this!

[CODE] private void drawMinimap() {
if(anInt1021 == 2) {
byte abyte0[] = mapBack.aByteArray1450;
int ai[] = DrawingArea.pixels;
int k2 = abyte0.length;
for(int i5 = 0; i5 < k2; i5++)
if(abyte0[i5] == 0)
ai[i5] = 0;
compass.method352(33, minimapInt1, anIntArray1057, 256, anIntArray968, 25, 8, 8, 33, 25);
int i = minimapInt1 + minimapInt2 & 0x7ff;
int j = 48 + myPlayer.x / 32;
int l2 = 464 - myPlayer.y / 32;
for (int x = 0; x < anIntArray1229.length; x++){
anIntArray1229[x] = 170;
anIntArray1052[x] = -23;
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1_1263.method352(151, i, anIntArray1229, 256 + minimapInt3, anIntArray1052, l2, 10, 45, 146, j);
compass.method352(33, minimapInt1, anIntArray1057, 256, anIntArray968, 25, 8, 8, 33, 25);
for(int j5 = 0; j5 < anInt1071; j5++) {
int k = (anIntArray1072[j5] * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.x / 32;
int i3 = (anIntArray1073[j5] * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.y / 32;
markMinimap(aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1140[j5], k, i3);

	for(int k5 = 0; k5 < 104; k5++) {
		for(int l5 = 0; l5 < 104; l5++) {
			NodeList class19 = groundArray[plane][k5][l5];
			if(class19 != null) {
				int l = (k5 * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.x / 32;
				int j3 = (l5 * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.y / 32;
				markMinimap(mapDotItem, l, j3);

	for(int i6 = 0; i6 < npcCount; i6++) {
		NPC npc = npcArray[npcIndices[i6]];
		if(npc != null && npc.isVisible()) {
			EntityDef entityDef = npc.desc;
			if(entityDef.childrenIDs != null)
				entityDef = entityDef.method161();
			if(entityDef != null && entityDef.aBoolean87 && entityDef.aBoolean84) {
				int i1 = npc.x / 32 - myPlayer.x / 32;
				int k3 = npc.y / 32 - myPlayer.y / 32;
				markMinimap(mapDotNPC, i1, k3);

	for(int j6 = 0; j6 < playerCount; j6++) {
		Player player = playerArray[playerIndices[j6]];
		if(player != null && player.isVisible()) {
			int j1 = player.x / 32 - myPlayer.x / 32;
			int l3 = player.y / 32 - myPlayer.y / 32;
			boolean flag1 = false;
			long l6 = TextClass.longForName(player.name);
			for(int k6 = 0; k6 < friendsCount; k6++) {
				if(l6 != friendsListAsLongs[k6] || friendsNodeIDs[k6] == 0)
				flag1 = true;
			boolean flag2 = false;
			if(myPlayer.team != 0 && player.team != 0 && myPlayer.team == player.team)
				flag2 = true;
				markMinimap(mapDotFriend, j1, l3);
				markMinimap(mapDotPlayer, j1, l3);

	if(anInt855 != 0 && loopCycle % 20 < 10) {
		if(anInt855 == 1 && anInt1222 >= 0 && anInt1222 < npcArray.length) {
				NPC class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1_1 = npcArray[anInt1222];
				if(class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1_1 != null)
					int k1 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1_1.x / 32 - myPlayer.x / 32;
					int i4 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub1_1.y / 32 - myPlayer.y / 32;
					method81(mapMarker, i4, k1);
		if(anInt855 == 2) {
			int l1 = ((anInt934 - baseX) * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.x / 32;
			int j4 = ((anInt935 - baseY) * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.y / 32;
			method81(mapMarker, j4, l1);
		if(anInt855 == 10 && anInt933 >= 0 && anInt933 < playerArray.length)
			Player class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub2_1 = playerArray[anInt933];
			if(class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub2_1 != null) {
				int i2 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub2_1.x / 32 - myPlayer.x / 32;
				int k4 = class30_sub2_sub4_sub1_sub2_1.y / 32 - myPlayer.y / 32;
				method81(mapMarker, k4, i2);
	if(destX != 0) {
		int j2 = (destX * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.x / 32;
		int l4 = (destY * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.y / 32;
		markMinimap(mapFlag, j2, l4);
	DrawingArea.drawPixels(3, 78+5, 97+20, 0xffffff, 3);
	mapArea.drawSprite(0, 0);

Map background:

Unpacking in method90

[code] for(int j6 = 0; j6 < 33; j6++)
int k6 = 999;
int i7 = 0;
for(int k7 = 0; k7 < 34; k7++)
if(mapBack.aByteArray1450[k7 + j6 * mapBack.anInt1452] == 0)
if(k6 == 999)
k6 = k7;
if(k6 == 999)
i7 = k7;

            anIntArray968[j6] = k6;
            anIntArray1057[j6] = i7 - k6;
        for(int l6 = 5; l6 < 156; l6++)
            int j7 = 999;
            int l7 = 0;
            for(int j8 = 25; j8 < 172; j8++)
                if(mapBack.aByteArray1450[j8 + l6 * mapBack.anInt1452] == 0 && (j8 > 34 || l6 > 34))
                    if(j7 == 999)
                        j7 = j8;
                if(j7 == 999)
                l7 = j8;
            anIntArray1052[l6 - 5] = j7 - 25;
            anIntArray1229[l6 - 5] = l7 - j7;

Seeing as you’re using a custom gameframe, and a custom map sprite… I do not believe that’s the right variable. That one is the one loaded from the packed cache files, yours will be loaded by a directory in the sprites folder for your cache.

I believe in your instance it’s named “mapArea”

While you’re at it; take a look at your sprites in your cache.
Dimensions of the sprite should be about 249x168. If it’s like 5 pixels smaller, that’s your issue.

It may be this line:
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1_1263.method352(151, i, anIntArray1229, 256 + minimapInt3, anIntArray1052, l2, 10, 45, 146, j);
Looking at another client, they have the “10, 45” set to 9, and 38.

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:4, topic:554407”]Seeing as you’re using a custom gameframe, and a custom map sprite… I do not believe that’s the right variable. That one is the one loaded from the packed cache files, yours will be loaded by a directory in the sprites folder for your cache.

I believe in your instance it’s named “mapArea”

While you’re at it; take a look at your sprites in your cache.
Dimensions of the sprite should be about 249x168. If it’s like 5 pixels smaller, that’s your issue.

It may be this line:
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1_1263.method352(151, i, anIntArray1229, 256 + minimapInt3, anIntArray1052, l2, 10, 45, 146, j);
Looking at another client, they have the “10, 45” set to 9, and 38.[/quote]

update: Changing those numbers to 9 and 38 didn’t change anything.
Re-sizing the sprite from 246x168 to 249x268 added a little white border inside of the sprite =/

The sprite itself is not the problem because even if I remove the sprite, the blank space still appears and the area where the sprite is drawn is just blacked out.

[quote=“de dust89, post:5, topic:554407”][quote author=sk8rdude461 link=topic=673330.msg4502428#msg4502428 date=1452853021]
Seeing as you’re using a custom gameframe, and a custom map sprite… I do not believe that’s the right variable. That one is the one loaded from the packed cache files, yours will be loaded by a directory in the sprites folder for your cache.

I believe in your instance it’s named “mapArea”

While you’re at it; take a look at your sprites in your cache.
Dimensions of the sprite should be about 249x168. If it’s like 5 pixels smaller, that’s your issue.

It may be this line:
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1_1263.method352(151, i, anIntArray1229, 256 + minimapInt3, anIntArray1052, l2, 10, 45, 146, j);
Looking at another client, they have the “10, 45” set to 9, and 38.


update: Changing those numbers to 9 and 38 didn’t change anything.
Re-sizing the sprite from 246x168 to 249x268 added a little white border inside of the sprite =/

The sprite itself is not the problem because even if I remove the sprite, the blank space still appears and the area where the sprite is drawn is just blacked out.[/quote]
Have you found the code for the map sprite?
You’ll know it’s the correct one because there will be an instance of it loading the sprite from the cache, eg: new Sprite("/Gameframe/525/MAPBACK")
But it most likely won’t be the same as that.

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:6, topic:554407”][quote author=de dust89 link=topic=673330.msg4502429#msg4502429 date=1452854309]

update: Changing those numbers to 9 and 38 didn’t change anything.
Re-sizing the sprite from 246x168 to 249x268 added a little white border inside of the sprite =/

The sprite itself is not the problem because even if I remove the sprite, the blank space still appears and the area where the sprite is drawn is just blacked out.
Have you found the code for the map sprite?
You’ll know it’s the correct one because there will be an instance of it loading the sprite from the cache, eg: new Sprite("/Gameframe/525/MAPBACK")
But it most likely won’t be the same as that.[/quote]

This should be it but it is not drawn as new Sprite. it is drawn is new background

That’s what I’m saying… that is not the right variable.

compass = new Sprite(streamLoader_2, "compass", 0); mapEdge = new Sprite(streamLoader_2, "mapedge", 0);

This is the only thing I find similar to that? I doubt it is the right thing you’re looking for though

can you add me on skype? previn.savaya

[quote=“de dust89, post:9, topic:554407”][quote author=sk8rdude461 link=topic=673330.msg4502433#msg4502433 date=1452856364]
That’s what I’m saying… that is not the right variable.

compass = new Sprite(streamLoader_2, "compass", 0); mapEdge = new Sprite(streamLoader_2, "mapedge", 0);

This is the only thing I find similar to that? I doubt it is the right thing you’re looking for though

can you add me on skype? previn.savaya[/quote]
You’re not listening to me.
The sprite will be loaded from whatever directory you have the image in your cache… AKA: Search for that in the code.

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:10, topic:554407”][quote author=de dust89 link=topic=673330.msg4502435#msg4502435 date=1452856688]

compass = new Sprite(streamLoader_2, "compass", 0); mapEdge = new Sprite(streamLoader_2, "mapedge", 0);

This is the only thing I find similar to that? I doubt it is the right thing you’re looking for though

can you add me on skype? previn.savaya
You’re not listening to me.
The sprite will be loaded from whatever directory you have the image in your cache… AKA: Search for that in the code.[/quote]

Oh, now I get what you mean. But which Sprite’s directory should I be searching for? I just went through my entire sprites folder and didn’t see anything that fits in the place of the background besides the maparea.png sprite which is loaded with;

but that is not what you’re looking for… is it?

Btw, in Sprites.java I have this:

which directs me straight to the sprites folder in my cache which is why I don’t really need a full directory to load the sprite

is the maparea.png the background of the map area?

Because if so, then yes, I was looking for that variable. And I’d like to see the related code for it.

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:12, topic:554407”]is the maparea.png the background of the map area?

Because if so, then yes, I was looking for that variable. And I’d like to see the related code for it.[/quote]

This is the maparea.png file I have

Update: Still need help with this. Anyone?

[quote=“de dust89, post:13, topic:554407”][quote author=sk8rdude461 link=topic=673330.msg4502439#msg4502439 date=1452858039]
is the maparea.png the background of the map area?

Because if so, then yes, I was looking for that variable. And I’d like to see the related code for it.

This is the maparea.png file I have

Update: Still need help with this. Anyone?[/quote]
Then yes… that’s the file im talking about…
For the 5th time, can I see the code related to it?

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:14, topic:554407”][quote author=de dust89 link=topic=673330.msg4502440#msg4502440 date=1452858564]

This is the maparea.png file I have

Update: Still need help with this. Anyone?
Then yes… that’s the file im talking about…
For the 5th time, can I see the code related to it?[/quote]


Startup() method: Unpacking custom Sprites:

drawMiniMap Method:

Under CleanupforQuit():

And thats all the code related to it. I know what you’re thinking, "mapArea.drawSprite(0, 0); change it to (0,10) or something. I’ve tried that. It doesn’t change anything… =/

Update: After a lot of diagnosis, the most logical thing I can come up with is that:

There must be something declaring how big the sprite should be, and allows me to draw the sprite at only that size. I have figured out how to move the sprite around.

I can move the sprite down the Y-Axis, but unfortunately, that doesn’t completely fix the problem, it reduces the little white space below the sprite to a smaller size, and in doing that, it creates another issue above the sprite.

What I think I need to do is:

  1. Make the Sprite roughly 3.25 pixels taller (Y Axis) (ALREADY DID THIS)
  2. Somehow allow me to draw a bigger sprite, because apparently, it still shrinks it back down to a size of (246, 168).

I am going to look into the code and see if there is anything I can see at that size.

Will update soon!

Update: I fixed it for the most part!!!

In the resetRSImageProducers() and resetRSImageProducers()2 methods, I had to change the image size being produced and kept tweaking it pixel by pixel until I actually ended up at what I started with, which was 168! It’s actually pretty insane how this stuff works!

aRSImageProducer_1164 = new RSImageProducer(246, 168, getGameComponent());

If anyone needs to resize a sprite without ruining the transperency, this is a great resource: http://images.my-addr.com/resize_png_online_tool-free_png_resizer_for_web.php