Politicians baffled when 64% of Scottish independence ballots have write-in candidate ‘alchohol’ on a yes/no question
Politicians baffled when 64% of Scottish independence ballots have write-in candidate ‘alchohol’ on a yes/no question
[quote=“Davidi2, post:21, topic:546768”]BREAKING NEWS:
Politicians baffled when 64% of Scottish independence ballots have write-in candidate ‘alchohol’ on a yes/no question[/quote]
You have no friends.
Your password doesn’t get censored if you spell it backwards! See: toggafami
At least say toggafaruoy - shouldn’t put yourself down like that!
I’ve been watching the live stream since the start with Zuppers on the IRC, I’m on the edge of my seat. Currently 4:19AM here, hopefully should all be in by 7AM.
I hope this keeps up, nearly a 100K vote lead at time of this edit for no.
This has to be over, 6 left to declare, yes side has admitted defeat. Unless a miracle occurs you’re staying right where you are.
Yeah, it’s much appreciated what you did for me a while back Tom!
Since then I have started a new lead so to speak and so far so good. Life is almost…enjoyable now. Thanks for the warning/heads up. Will change my password in a little while just in case.