Quick task for a design/graphics guru

I have a quick task I need a graphics guru, or someone with good eye for design to take a look at.

Basically, I have a website that’s running a theme I modified, and a header image I replaced with a stock photo looks shitty. It doesn’t fit with the theme well at all.

I need someone to take a look at it, and either replace the image with another photo that fits better, and/or take the existing one and make modifications so it sits better (border or recolouring or whatnot).

Mail me @ mopman@gmail.com or post here, include desired compensation if that’s how you roll.

Give me a link and I will tell you if it is within my area of expertise.

That Unhandled, sure is a halpful guy.

Do not need anymore.

What’s the link?

p/s: You could have just publicly displayed the link, no?