Recently I just got done installing a CAT 6 home network because my dad works at a cable engineering/manufacturing company where he can get expensive cable for free from prototype runs that would be otherwise recycled or trashed. Basically I had an idea of installing 2-3 outdoor network ip cameras “for the hell of it” but when I started to think about it, it would be cool to have and would allow me to keep an eye on the house while I am away and the ir/motion tracking can keep an eye at night. Would also allow me to not get up off my lazy ass when the door bell rings when I am down stairs on the other side of the house.
Problem is finding a decent quality network ip camera for a not so expensive price. I have finally come across a decent camera on amazon with no ratings although they seem to be better quality than the lower resolution ones that have 4/5 star reviews.
Here is a link to it on ebay:
Here is some youtube fotage from this model:
The camera touts 1280x720p hd which is nice for this price range, so question is what do you guys think?