i need a background for my client its a pk server called WolfScapePK and i hope if sum can me a background image and a singature
background (size 769 weight and 509 height
text WolfScape
background image a battel image
i need a background for my client its a pk server called WolfScapePK and i hope if sum can me a background image and a singature
background (size 769 weight and 509 height
text WolfScape
background image a battel image
Why don’t you just make yourself one?
Search and runescape background.
Make an nice text in photoshop and ur done
[quote=“thekid120, post:1, topic:476174”]hi,
i need a background for my client its a pk server called WolfScapePK and i hope if sum can me a background image and a singature
background (size 769 weight and 509 height
text WolfScape
background image a battel image[/quote]
You need to supply more details.
Background color?
Color Scheme?
Supply us with the battle image?
Text style?
Glowing? Faded? etc?
Why are your dimensions 769x509… they should be 765x503.