Requesting a Logo for my Forums and Server plus a Banner

In my mind i dont have a certain “specification” but for the logo and the client i request something that looks like this with editing ofcourse but my server is called "rune-Rage,

This logo is small but if possible i would like enlarged and imprinted as “Rune-Rage” on the banner and my logo if possible.
any more information you need reply here.
but for the logo i request it stay the same colours just edited, and to have the edited version imprinted on a banner.

feel free to improvise with the banner apart from adding the logo to it but for the banner i dont really mind about the dimensions aslong a it could fit a forum and a site aswell as the colour i would like it to improvise as i said i dont have any “specifications” for the banner colours,text etc.


So I tried.
This was done with a font generator, just photoshop’d the last stone out

[quote=“sk8rdude461, post:2, topic:543937”]
So I tried.
This was done with a font generator, just photoshop’d the last stone out[/quote]

Nice photoshop lol