Requesting banner for a website

Hey there, I was wanting a banner for my website, usually I would do this my self, but my laptop is broken, and it is on that I have my adobe master suite with photoshop…
So if anyone here has photoshop i was wondering if you could make me a transparent background with “Definitive X” in the center.

Definitive X text details:
Font: Lane Humouresqe which is free and can be found at and should be the the 14th down.

If you have photoshop, make it have gradient overlay pretty strong with three colors :
Also make it have a very small inner and out glow

If anyone can do this for me it would be amazing :slight_smile: rep ++

EDIT: Sorry I didn’t realize my moparscape rep isn’t on this, lol. So I can’t rep :stuck_out_tongue:

I tried, but I’m not really sure how you’re expecting this to look.

This one is what you requested, without the glows because they just made the text even smaller. Unless you want me to just to this? I’ll do transparency etc if this is what you want.

I did this incase I interpreted your gradient thing wrong:

Personally, I think it would look better something like this?

What sort of background will it be shown on?

I would have to see them on my website, I think the 1st one actually because it may show up much better with my black background.
Could u make them transparent this time?

EDIT: Actually I like the last one best, although could you make the gradient the same as the first?
