Hello Everyone i am reuqesting 2 videos intro for Youtube and 1 banner for my Website i am offering to pay $40 due to me having $1.7k in paypal… If you are willing to do this for me and want to see the cash add me on skype: aurascape
Video 1:
Text: AusTankerzz
Sub-Text: Productions
Font: A Mad Call Of Duty Font
Sound: A mad Sound
Video 2:
Text: Mitchacho
Sub-Text: Productions
Font: Ancient Egypt/Mexican Look (IDK)
Sounds: A riot Shield Sound getting a bullet on it or something
Renders: Add a riot shield and a mexican in it
Payment $15 for each
Text: Aura-Scape
Sub-Text: Engrave Your Legacy
Renders: Some 474/614 Pking people in the background
Renders2: Make it flash saying ‘‘100% Hybridding’’ ‘‘Awesome Community’’ '‘Awesome Staff’'
Colours: Green/white/black
Payment $10
TOTAL: $40
-Add me Skype: Aurascape