When it comes to RS2 server advertisements, all but a few threads are a complete eye sore or are completely barren. In my opinion this looks bad on our site as a whole. If people come to our forums to look for an RSPS to play and all they see is garbage, the odds of them coming back are probably going to be slim, and the odds of them joining the community is going to be even less. So I have a simple fix:
Set standards and enforce them.
Yes, John did a great job with his thread on outlining the do’s and don’ts on simple rules such as no multiple threads, server owners need to post the thread, etc. https://www.moparisthebest.com/smf/index.php/topic,640022.0.html HOWEVER, we never set standards for the actual advertisement. I believe we need to set a minimum requirement for the amount of media that can be posted. Videos should be allowed as a trailer, but any extra media showcasing the server should be put in spoiler tags to keep the size of the initial thread down. Any type of extensive list (maybe anything over 5?) should also be required to be put in spoiler tags, as it looks bad when you click on a thread and find 10 massive pictures, 3 videos, and a list of 50 things.
However, that is just what I think ideally should happen. I realize that my expectations for server advertisements may be over the top, which is why I would like as much feedback as possible. However, I do believe that we need to require some amount of media for our server advertisements, and failure to do so should result in a thread lock. It’s time we clean our forums up, and I believe this is just one step of the process.