
Ever since I started using Cinema 4D, polygon efficiency has become less of a worry of mine. It’s an awful habit to just segment the shit out of something and leave it.
iDigitalUniverse(youtube link) was a huge inspiration for me when I was starting, and he teaches sloppy habits for being poly-efficient. I don’t think that’s really a worry for him, because the only thing he worries about is the render (as far as I know).

You would be correct, although they look awful. I’d been at a loss for what would pass as “robot feet”, so I just threw something together real quick.

I’m going to work on reducing the polygons, since the wireframe right now is at the point of most things appearing black, as they’ve been segmented so much. Once I’ve reduced them to the point of being visible to judge, I’ll post a wireframe.

personally, i dont feel the arms are cool enough, they need like wires and shit haha.

VERY nice ;D

Am I really /\ his bitch?
OT: Love the model wish I could do this in C4D I suck with my project I’m currently on…

Whoah these are really good i mean like WHOAH Inpressive! As the brief case wanker From The inbertweens would say “Thisty One You Are”, Gj :smiley:

You got this from the Disney movie “Wall-e”. Don’t say you didn’t because this definitely looks like it was.

If the above statement is incorrect then whatever. It looks amazing still :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I didn’t.

[quote=“kingman002, post:26, topic:443116”]You got this from the Disney movie “Wall-e”. Don’t say you didn’t because this definitely looks like it was.

If the above statement is incorrect then whatever. It looks amazing still :P[/quote]
It’s actually Wheatley from Portal 2, hence the original title. Don’t know why it was changed though.

I changed it because I decided to stop working on wheatley and changed him into the robot you saw somewhere else in the thread.

Good topology just matters what you are using it for. I’m mot saying you shouldn’t have nice topology, as that isn’t good practice, but if you are just doing a render and nothing else, it won’t hurt the outcome. However, if you plan on animating you better have great topology. I think that is why that guys tutorials or whatnot had bad topology.

@OP I agree with everyone else that he should have some more badass arms and legs, that the metal tubes just don’t “wow” me. However I like the body concept. And I also have no imagination so I can’t give you any ideas. :slight_smile:

What version of c4d is this

r12, too lazy to torrent r13

k send first robot .c4d ima try some stuff

the shitty wheatley one?

yes, ill send it back to you and you can peak around and see what I did

clean your inbox

oh dear will do right now
