RSMV with texture support

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If it says it cant find glaux.dll then download
and put the dll in the same folder as rsmv
[center] Follow the license(GPL) and put the damn source up[/center]

pics or it didnt happen

frank get a life lolz
hold on…[br][br][size=1]Posted on: June 23, 2008, 02:47:59 PM[/size][hr]

src or its shopped

unhandled and frank are you nolifers depending on images to stay alive?
cant you atleast download it and see.
also why would i post the sourcecode (leechers)

[quote=“cccclllllllllllllllllllll, post:5, topic:214762”]unhandled and frank are you nolifers depending on images to stay alive?
cant you atleast download it and see.
also why would i post the sourcecode (leechers)[/quote]because without the rsmv source code, you wouldnt have done anything

also because it was released under the gpl

put the source up - we want to see if you actually converted the texture triangles to UV or cheated and used a mask.

edit : fuck the leachers - put the source up and i’ll post the method for creating your own static 3d models in .dat format to which you can edit and make them textured.

[quote=“MrPotatoHead, post:7, topic:214762”]put the source up - we want to see if you actually converted the texture triangles to UV or cheated and used a mask.

edit : fuck the leachers - put the source up and i’ll post the method for creating your own static 3d models in .dat format to which you can edit and make them textured.[/quote]its got nothing to do with leechers, the license requires it

Tried it - it aint UV coords but nice try anyway.

try model 1647 - a willow tree

opps forgot about the license
il upload the sorce later k?

Later? What the fuck is wrong with you?

k00dr unlike some people i had a gcse exam the next day and it was realy late so shut ur mouth?

you had enough time to load the site, read that comment, and post that reply, yet not enough time to post the sources?

He’s simply too busy to post it. Let’s just forget about the source and wait for new awesome posts.

brb calling the internet police

Internet police are busy tracking down an access violation in module OMFGimanoob.dll

I can tell you what he did if he doesn’t post the source.

He’s b&.

This is how I attempted to do textures, Didn’t go so well…

 * Class:Texture
 * User: Silabsoft 
 * Date: Jun 24, 2008
 * Time: 9:17:36 AM
package com.silab.engine.texture;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

public class Texture {
    public static BufferedImage[] textures = new BufferedImage[50];
public Texture(Component c){
      for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
            textures[i] = ImageUtilities.getBufferedImage("textures/texture_" + i + ".png",c);
    public TexturePaint getImage(int i) {
        return new TexturePaint(textures[i],new Rectangle(textures[i].getWidth(),textures[i].getHeight()));


            if(face.texture != -1){

however it really did enjoy messing up :stuck_out_tongue:

Not Bad.
You’ve thrown the textures at it haven’t you :slight_smile:

My attempt - left image shows map size and position in magenta, right image shows correctly textured model.

Can’t get my cad software to show it any brighter!!!

Is he banned? i thought he was just warned? give him time to upload.

He was aaa801 evading, so yeah, he’s banned.