RSPS Forum Banner Request

I’m in need of a banner for my forums

Size (In Pixels): Unknown, around of normal banners you see?
With or Without Animation: Without
Main Colors: Blue/Darkish colors, and for the background having it the color #131313 because I want it to blend in with the background.
Text to Insert : Moltenscape
Font: Anything that makes it look good.
Font Color: Bluish
Extra Comments: So basically to sum up the banner.
A Bluish text saying Moltenscape with the background color #131313 and to the right of “Moltenscape” a runescape character.

I apologise for asking for another Graphics request, but I am in need for this. :expressionless:


If you need me to change anything lemme know please.

[quote=“Krackkid, post:2, topic:445330”][im g][/im g]

If you need me to change anything lemme know please.[/quote]

That looks amazing :rolleyes:.

[quote=“Krackkid, post:2, topic:445330”]

If you need me to change anything lemme know please.[/quote]
its moltenscape :expressionless:

looks freaking awesome tho

heres my fail attempt, just trying to help though.

It looks really good!

The only thing that concerns me is that minecraft stuff is in a banner for a rsps.

[quote=“marcbob, post:5, topic:445330”]It looks really good!

The only thing that concerns me is that minecraft stuff is in a banner for a rsps.[/quote]Even I don’t know how that creeper got in there :confused:

They both look amazing guys!
But does anyone have a Runescape character Model (Human) to add to the side?