Runeception is an autoupdating runescape loader with plugin utilities such as: highscore lookup, skill guides, live map viewer, mp3 music player, integrated chat system, custom skins, alarm updates, screen shots, and much much more. Many plugins will be added as the project progresses. The initial versions will be very basic and built upon.
[CENTER][size=14pt]Runeception : Launch A (Version 1.1.3)[/size][/CENTER]
Temporary File Location: http://runeception.netne.net/Runeception.jar
Github: https://github.com/Emilah/Runeception
Double click the executable jar file. Your first run will have no splash screen and will appear to be doing ‘nothing’ shortly while Runeception downloads all the needed files you need for the client to work. If you would like to check these files, they are in your home directory /Runeception/.
After your first initial launch, the sprites needed will have been downloaded and you will see your launch screen.
Information Regarding Auto Updating:
Today I was caught in a mess of work and didn’t get as far as I wished to. Here is how you get connected with us.
Find your Runeception files located in your home directory /Runeception/. Right click on your Runeception.jar file and click create short cut.
Create a shortcut file named “Runeception” and drag it to your desktop.
You should now use this file for execution. You should be connected for every upcoming update.
Please note, that this is Launch A. You may be required to redownload files as time progresses to increase the functionality of our client.
Report any found glitches and problems on this project page.
(PLEASE NOTE: Music Player has some issues. Button fixes will come hopefully in the upcoming week)
To use the highscores without problems with the client. Click the drop down guides then High Scores.
Using the Music Player Plugin:
[ul]Other Files:[/ul]
Upon Finishing that process, click play and enjoy!