Ruse cache/galkon's sprite tool


I’ve tried editting the ruse cache, but it doesn’t work. Now it does something that doesn’t seem right to me.
In the dump folder, 594 is the client background, but in the tool, 594 is the attack cursor…

Does that have anything to do with me not being able to pack things? (my other thread).
I made a new thread because the old one was probably read by everyone who might be able to help me so if i editted it no one would see anyways.

Does anyone know what’s wrong, if that is the reason why i can’t edit the cache and also how do i fix it?

EDIT: I packed the cache, but as expected it didn’t work. It changed the client to this after i packed it…:

Can someone please give me a working cache tool or tell me how to fix this one? I really need the client to be complete so i can Jar it and release it… I’ve been trying for days now…