So, what exactly did Casey do?

In his nomination topic in the Veteran Polls section, everyone is talking about some bad shit he did in the past.
Despite me being in MoparScape for quite a long time now, I wasn’t among the “elite” (you guys) until semi-recently.

So, what did Casey actually do that people can’t get over?

raped silab

He was involved with phishing rs accounts at one point and I’m sure that’s one reason he shouldn’t gain any influential status. But mostly as mopar said, he is power hungry.

That about sums it up.

He stole a LOT of runescape accounts from a bunch of moparscape users.

[quote=“Newty, post:5, topic:354224”]He stole a LOT of runescape accounts from a bunch of moparscape users.[/quote]they have themselves to blame for being stupid and falling for it!

let us blame the man that created Christianity and not those who follow it. cool logic.