15 hrs
15 hrs
Awesome final product. I love how it turned out.
love it!
Looks great with textures
Pic with holding one of your guns?
Pic with them in saucy positions?
Looks pretty good!
@both of the above. This was the plan and im currently in the process of trying to rig it.
It looks wonderful.
Just are you going to be adding like there country flags? or are you just keeping that off.(I know its just little detail but meh.)
I will be reworking this model and adding details like flags and names etc.
Looks great.
Not bad, but the lower legs and feet compared to the upper legs do look kinda out of proportion.
[quote=“sppt, post:10, topic:365754”]Not bad, but the lower legs and feet compared to the upper legs do look kinda out of proportion.[/quote]The pants go baggy irl with kneepads
^ ref image? I’ve never seen a soldier with a dick protector
& those (magazines?) are sticking too far out of his pouch
[quote=“Davidi2, post:13, topic:365754”]^ ref image? I’ve never seen a soldier with a dick protector
& those (magazines?) are sticking too far out of his pouch[/quote]
Its called a flack jacket/groin protector, and magazines do stick out quite a bit (they’re in snug), i noticed this on call of duty 4 and was reassured when i went through all my brothers military gear.
@David http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3575/3574887273_4c461d29d9_z.jpg The flap is there.
And Frell the image mite help with some more of the detail for the model, like your gloves.
//Edit it looks real good, keep it up.
Its not done I throw in little blotches to map out where i need at add shit.
I know its not done, just saying xD
It’s looking really good! The thighs (based on krackk’s image) do look a tiny bit fat
Baggy. This is all based off of front and side photo references so its proportionately correct. Modern Warfare 2 creators got a bunch of shit because their models ‘seemed’ unproportional.