Some Mapping Questions

What mapping method would you use for something like this? If I just UV Map it, it splits it into some really tiny pieces. I’ll show an example of what I mean.

Also, I am not looking for constructive criticism on this yet, as this isn’t the best I can do and I don’t exactly like showing off work that isn’t my best. I would just like some help, some pointers, or to nudge me in the right direction. Thanks.
Edit: I also tried face mapping it, but my computer froze up. :o If that is what I should use, maybe I can send the model to someone with a better computer than mine and they could unwrap it real quick? I would highly appreciate it.

Uv map it yourself. You need to split the dragon head in half so you only have to uv map half of it, and then mirror it.

Could you clarify a bit when you say Uv map it yourself. I take it you mean to map it then unwrap it, which is what I am trying to do, but when I unwrap it, it either has overlapping faces, or splits into tiny pieces. I took your advice and split it in half. I started realizing I could split it in half, but I didn’t think it would be much of a difference. With the head I can see where it matters. Thanks again for helping me.

no i mean, since you have 2 of the same heads, take 1 head and cut it in half. So you half half of a dragons head, and then select the main skin on the head (not the teeth or horns) and sit ctrl B to break it and then hit relax.

Do all that ^^ after you select the entire head and do a planar map from x y and z and choose whatever one gives you a side view.

[quote=“Frell, post:4, topic:375209”]no i mean, since you have 2 of the same heads, take 1 head and cut it in half. So you half half of a dragons head, and then select the main skin on the head (not the teeth or horns) and sit ctrl B to break it and then hit relax.

Do all that ^^ after you select the entire head and do a planar map from x y and z and choose whatever one gives you a side view.[/quote]
The left side of the left head isn’t the same as the right side of the left head. But the left side of the left head is the same as the right side of the right head if that makes any sense. I tried making it as symmetrical as possible, but it might not work if you get what I am saying.

By what I think you are saying you said to take one of the two heads and cut it in half, then select everything besides the horns and teeth. I didn’t really see what Ctrl+B did, but then unwrap it. Before I go through the trouble of selecting all of those faces is that what you meant? Sorry for being so ignorant.

Just use 1 head and make it 2 heads later when you’re done mapping.

Take that one head, cut it in half so you have half the model perfectly down the center. Open up the uv editor and select the entire half of the head and select Planar map and choose x y or z (whatever one puts it in a side view). Unselect planar once you have it. Select the majority of the face (skin) that you can imagine laying flat, Ctrl B breaks those faces from the model. And then relax it. And so similar techniques to the rest of the model. Imagine everything as if it were made out of paper, and you’re making cuts to make it lay flat without tearing. Select edges and do ctrl B to break them.

Okay that helped out a lot more. Thank you so much. Sorry for making you go through all of that trouble to explain that to me.