Some things I made over the past week

I’ve found myself interested in graphics again.

All pretty plain, but it’s a start and we have to start somewhere, right? Good luck with future things mate.

yeah, thank you, I’ve just started and haven’t even gotten too c4d’s and fractals etc. This is just learning the ‘blending options’ and typography.

Bad first font, and the style on it doesn’t really fit the second part.

what are you talking about? dont post without expecting any form of criticism. I wasn’t in the least being negative, I was trying to help you. I can’t mix Comic Sans with Helvetica, post it here, and get offended when someone points out that they’re unfitting. I also especially can’t post here expecting pats on the back and nothing more. Learn to handle criticism or don’t post.

k those aren’t the fonts I used.

I was clearly using it as an example.

You handle criticism incredibly poorly, I don’t know why you even bothered posting this.

i know lol, thanks for telling me though what I did wrong, I didn’t really understand it thats why I posted the way I did.